Message from @I Hate Discord.
Discord ID: 813993809590878278
Fascism is not nationalist socialism
Apparently I'm fairly progressive
Me too! Though this is the only one of these tests to put me in the progressive category lol
Id say it was pretty accurate, maybe like one more on libertarian and like a third more conservative than progressive, because some of the questions were iffy
I'm normal 😎
Hello Normal. Good for you.
Im not normal xD
*sorry couldn’t help myself*
Aka I have common sense 🙂
Yeah pretty much
doc's gonna have a field day
Only of he notices <:thinking:726878987837636698>
Tis a better score than mine tho <:PepeThink:809458097390878821>
are you also a psychopath according to that thing
are you ever just crazy according to a random test you found online
Not typically, but I'm all over the place so I dunno. One thing of note, is that I would be an active "psycopath" if I wasn't an introvert
i dont even know why it labeled me as a psychopath. i'm crazy but not *that* crazy
There seems to be a bit of crazy in everyone. What most depends is if anyone acts on such desires. I would love to strike back or plan chaos, but I'm too soft to hurt another person <:SadPepe:801485397678489660>
im pretty sure the things keeping me from doing that are my morals
The thing is, I like to bend my morals a bit
dont mind me while i paste that into duckduckgo
is it a long word that basically means you're a psychopath but not
Yeah, my softness seems to keep me in check
thats a good thing then right
Perhaps, but it has taken its toll
how so