Message from @Paint_Easel
Discord ID: 813859614424170556
Such corporatism?
Is corporatism left or right wing?
It depends, it could be leftist or right-wing corporatism
Or it could be centrist corporatism
this is why the left-right political axis is flawed
because not every ideology is as simple as "you're either closer to communism or laissez-faire capitalism"
Well I think that the corporations can mostly do what they like, but have severe restrictions to protect people ie: if we all remember texas recently had many blackouts; the reason for these blackouts is because they promised more electricity than they could give because they didn't think people would use that much; such a tactic in my economic policies would be banned to protect people. Also if a new company were to enter the country such as twitter which breaks nation rules I would force it to go my way or get out of here and get banned.
What kind of corporatism is that?
facism is national socialism, it is big cringe
No that's probably the most retarded thing you said today
you arent, your just not woke
Ask literally any fascist in the world and they'll tell you nationalist socialism is cringe
it is
Fascism is not nationalist socialism
Apparently I'm fairly progressive
Me too! Though this is the only one of these tests to put me in the progressive category lol
Id say it was pretty accurate, maybe like one more on libertarian and like a third more conservative than progressive, because some of the questions were iffy
I'm normal 😎
Hello Normal. Good for you.
Im not normal xD
*sorry couldn’t help myself*
Aka I have common sense 🙂
Yeah pretty much
doc's gonna have a field day
can confirm
Only of he notices <:thinking:726878987837636698>
Tis a better score than mine tho <:PepeThink:809458097390878821>
are you also a psychopath according to that thing