Message from @Dex
Discord ID: 814031268475568128
Yeah pretty much
doc's gonna have a field day
can confirm
Only of he notices <:thinking:726878987837636698>
Tis a better score than mine tho <:PepeThink:809458097390878821>
are you also a psychopath according to that thing
are you ever just crazy according to a random test you found online
Not typically, but I'm all over the place so I dunno. One thing of note, is that I would be an active "psycopath" if I wasn't an introvert
i dont even know why it labeled me as a psychopath. i'm crazy but not *that* crazy
There seems to be a bit of crazy in everyone. What most depends is if anyone acts on such desires. I would love to strike back or plan chaos, but I'm too soft to hurt another person <:SadPepe:801485397678489660>
im pretty sure the things keeping me from doing that are my morals
The thing is, I like to bend my morals a bit
is it a long word that basically means you're a psychopath but not
Yeah, my softness seems to keep me in check
thats a good thing then right
Perhaps, but it has taken its toll
how so
Being soft in a dysfunctional family is quite difficult
at least you arent hurting anybody though right
True, except there is a dark flipside which I'd only be comfortable explaining in DMs
i see
You're free to ask of course
if you want to talk about it i'll listen
Okay, DM me first tho 😅
How is it sus?