Message from @1776

Discord ID: 816316999633862776

2021-02-28 23:05:19 UTC

2021-02-28 23:05:34 UTC  

found a full list of what they are saying should be done

2021-02-28 23:20:30 UTC  

That’s terrible.. many children have PTSD now because of all this isolation and fear mongering.

2021-02-28 23:47:07 UTC  

yup. it's blatant effort to erode the relationship between parents and kid

2021-02-28 23:48:39 UTC  

kids are also low at risks according to seemingly all doctors

2021-02-28 23:49:02 UTC  

I read that in one college a freshman killed himself due to the isolation...and it took them 5 days to find out he did.

2021-02-28 23:49:45 UTC  

Got a bad feeling it wasnt because of him not logging into classes, but rather the smell...

2021-03-01 00:08:06 UTC  

Someone at my college killed themselves last semester, too. I don't know if it was for the same reasons, but suicide and depression have been trending since about a year ago.

2021-03-01 00:08:28 UTC  

It's almost like human beings crave social interaction, and it was ripped away from us.

2021-03-01 01:52:00 UTC  

And they all just complied with it, just because the government told them to do so

2021-03-01 02:17:42 UTC  

kaheva on youtube made video months ago saying north korea kim jong un had died and his death wasn't being publicly aknowledged... has there been any recent "proof" he is still alive?

2021-03-01 03:07:03 UTC  

yes. i lost my cool when i know an old lady requested for assisted suicide because she couldn't bear another lockdown, and the doctor AND the family okay'ed it instead of letting her home with her family

2021-03-01 03:07:23 UTC  

it's terrible. these suicides make me sick and angry

2021-03-01 03:10:31 UTC  

Thats legit peak iorny for the whole "gotta save my grandma" arguement. I read a similar article involving a 90 year old as well its just fucking stupid at this rate to even consider that lockdowns are good.

2021-03-01 05:33:38 UTC  

I’m lucky enough to live in a state with 0 lockdowns

2021-03-01 08:10:36 UTC  

Wow, this is just....awful 😞
I feel sooo bad for kids right now

2021-03-01 10:01:59 UTC  
2021-03-02 14:21:32 UTC  

**Warning: GRAPHIC and LOUD SCREAMING:** This is the heart-stopping moment a 2-year-old Vietnamese girl plunged off a 12th-floor balcony – right into the hands of a delivery driver who is being hailed as a hero for saving the baby’s life.

2021-03-02 20:43:00 UTC  

"For his part, Musk did not publicly comment on the matter. Instead, he focused on cryptic tweets including “Green eggs & SPAC” and “New drug coming out called Regretamine. Pop one & all regrets are gone.”"

2021-03-02 23:08:23 UTC  

oh great, now we gotta worry about SPACE CYCLONES

2021-03-02 23:09:01 UTC  

it's always something

2021-03-02 23:23:03 UTC  

na, just a hyperdrive window forming

2021-03-03 11:19:26 UTC

It was the first attack since the U.S. struck Iran-aligned militia targets along the Iraq-Syria border last week, killing killed one militiaman and stoking fears of a possible repeat of a series of tit-for-tat attacks that escalated last year, culminating in the U.S. drone strike that killed Iranian Gen. Qassim Soleimani outside the Baghdad airport.

2021-03-04 01:18:23 UTC  
2021-03-04 02:04:13 UTC  

no way, that sounds like propaganda especially being chinas population is only around a trillion, and they got 1/5th of there entire population a job within a YEAR?

2021-03-04 02:40:35 UTC  

I would not ever trust China at all

2021-03-04 02:41:04 UTC  

They very likely still have Covid going around a lot there and are not showing it to the world.

2021-03-04 06:56:12 UTC  

No shit these are the same people who acted like covid just dropped you dead in the streets.

2021-03-04 06:56:53 UTC  

Remember that? When they were posting photo of random citizens just dead in the streets as a result of "covid"

2021-03-04 06:57:10 UTC  

Never saw that occur in america tho once it got here

2021-03-04 17:45:10 UTC  

Theres China for ya.

2021-03-04 18:45:50 UTC  

never trusted them to begin with, the second i saw the Tienanmen square massacre and that the same party that used the military to kill their own citizens (the ccp) is still in power to this day as if they did nothing wrong 30 years ago is why nothing should be taken seriously from them.