Message from @TheStarshipReport

Discord ID: 812020072969142322

2021-02-18 07:06:19 UTC  

My dad also was the chairman of my county's Republican party to.

2021-02-18 07:08:11 UTC  

But I love how I go to school with lots of people around me who are Republicans and the football team only makes it even better.<:benSmirk:748215108781473823>

2021-02-18 07:41:06 UTC  

His administration started to make steps on it, notably Mike pompeo

2021-02-18 07:42:54 UTC  

but u'd have to ask who presented or is pushing the uighur genocide for the past 10yrs or so...real news or msm

2021-02-18 07:43:55 UTC  

and is it a genocide when the ppl don't die, just go to re-education and training centers for jobs..or is a genocide of lives lost

2021-02-18 07:49:15 UTC  

People are definitely being killed

2021-02-18 09:36:58 UTC  

For those of you who actually think we can make it to 2022, let alone 2024, read HR-1 and HR-127. Two new bills before the House. HR-1 reads like a liberal wish list for everything but gun control. Care to guess what HR-127 is? Yup, every liberal's wet dream for gun control including confiscation of "assault weapons" and a gun registry with database. Phsych test from an "approved" Phsych and a complete background check amongst other items before you can even be approved for a permit to buy a weapon. I forsee years in the Courts fighting this crap if it goes through.

2021-02-18 11:16:56 UTC  

Getting into rule 11 @TheStarshipReport

2021-02-18 11:17:12 UTC  


2021-02-18 11:17:19 UTC  

I'll stop

2021-02-18 11:18:02 UTC  

Alright no big deal

2021-02-18 12:10:15 UTC  

The big question is if they have the balls to do it, they had a similar situation in 2008-2010 and had a unified government, yet they (thankfully) got nothing done other than obamacare. Even that aline costed them the house and nearly the senate.

2021-02-18 14:01:35 UTC  

With the democrats creating false evidence in the impeachment trial. How is no one questioning other things that looks odd like voter irregulararty in the election?

2021-02-18 14:09:16 UTC  

That being an example.

2021-02-18 14:27:37 UTC  

If they didn't question anything the first time what makes you think they will now? Besides its not like they're even gonna watch the trial or look anything up of it themselves. They'll just parrot what the msm wants them to think.

2021-02-18 15:15:32 UTC  

this, just had a chat with one of my left leaning friends and he basically used all the talking points that msm would use to criticize us, hell he even went as far as to say that the capitol "insurrection" was worse than the blm riots over the summer.

2021-02-18 15:16:18 UTC  

i was just shocked at how ignorant these people are now, they are just gone and beyond the point of reason.

2021-02-18 15:34:42 UTC  

its funny how you go beserk by the crap the dems are creating on USA, while in my country the left popular political party that destroyed our country for the last 15 years are planning to give a koo against our current center/right winged coalition goverment.

2021-02-18 16:06:38 UTC  

Yea it's stupid, at this point we might as well divide the country down the middle have Democrats on the left from cali to the middle and Republicans from NC to the middle and have trump lead the rebulicans and biden lead the democrats and see who does better...

2021-02-18 16:34:45 UTC  

i prefer that over my country getting a 2 military dictatorship, the previous one was from 1973 to 1985 since the "tupamaros" part of the left political party that was on power for 15 years (frente amplio) started to kill people. back in that day only 4% of the population voted the communist party. now they are 49%

2021-02-18 18:06:04 UTC  


2021-02-18 18:07:14 UTC  

LMAO wtf

2021-02-18 18:07:25 UTC  

Dems don't want unity

2021-02-18 18:07:39 UTC  

They are just kicking us conservatives over and over...

2021-02-18 18:08:00 UTC  

It's funny

2021-02-18 18:08:22 UTC  

I'm laughing at all these from far away at Africa

2021-02-18 18:08:59 UTC  

This is rich XDD
They couldn't do it the first time, couldn't do it the second time, so they do this LOOL

2021-02-18 18:10:03 UTC  

Yea, they need to grow up...

2021-02-18 18:11:58 UTC  

Guess TDS isnt known to wear off for some time.

2021-02-18 18:28:39 UTC  

They’re just mad trump incited an errection, now they’re confused to whether they are gay or straight

2021-02-18 18:37:00 UTC  

well, well, well

2021-02-18 18:37:15 UTC  

this is getting scary <:Nervous_Monkey:797288817115267082>

2021-02-18 18:40:10 UTC  

Yea, it aint much of a surprise though since it is coming from facebook

2021-02-18 19:17:09 UTC  


2021-02-18 19:26:38 UTC  


2021-02-18 20:09:51 UTC  

ur screenshot is for the tim pool acc, not the timcast acc