Message from @Plague Doctor Lawrence

Discord ID: 812169400387502100

2021-02-18 20:10:08 UTC  

ah, my mistake. Kinda confusing with his banner saying timcast.....

2021-02-18 20:48:00 UTC  


2021-02-18 22:44:10 UTC  


2021-02-19 00:28:22 UTC  

Woah, I am surprised.

2021-02-19 00:28:45 UTC  

<a:Golden_Kek:797863634440290355> may the shitposting continue.

2021-02-19 00:45:25 UTC  


2021-02-19 00:56:18 UTC  

So do yall agree with my 2022 senate predictions

2021-02-19 01:11:30 UTC  

I think it depends

2021-02-19 01:18:10 UTC  

Depends on how dumb the democrats are in 2 years

2021-02-19 01:18:18 UTC  

so far its looking good

2021-02-19 01:49:20 UTC  

And who we get to run, we currently got no good candidates yet for senate in pa

2021-02-19 01:49:44 UTC  

Nor in arizona

2021-02-19 01:52:49 UTC  

So I get it now. The Marxist took over our Country and won for now. They are poisoning the water hole. The Marxist convinced so many voters that President Trump botched Covid-19. The people who lost Grandma to COVID-19, at least some of those people did not vote TRUMP. Thank Cuomo and Whitimer etc. for that. The people who didn’t lose Grandma, well let’s just say at least some of those people didn’t think Trump was going to give another Stimulus check and Joe Biden promised it. The full 2,000. Or at least didn’t think Congress was going to pass Trumps 2,000 stimulus because the Marxist blocked all support until after the election. Another group of Americans saw Trump as rude and a bully because the Fake News convinced them his Tweets are usually uncalled for as a President. This with as well as seeing him standing up for Americans by calling out MSM is also rude. The Narrative was set. No Congress Suport, Covid-19, and news media. All of these fronts the True Commander and Chief lost. I guess this turned out to be quite a few votes so it made it easier for them add a few brief cases here and there and it’s over. No President could beat that much Corruption guys.

2021-02-19 01:59:58 UTC  

This is cope. I actually think that this point of view is harmful as blaming our loss on others isnt going to help us in the future. We need to accept that we lost and we didnt do good enough in the time leading up to the election. The fault doesnt entirely lie on Cuomo and fake news. We need to understand that there were failures on our side as well and that the only way we will win in the future is if we improve upon our mistakes and take America back. We can beat the coruption but only if we learn from this loss and not just say that none of this is our fault.

2021-02-19 02:01:30 UTC  

Didn’t pelosi block the stimulus bill just to spite trump

2021-02-19 02:01:37 UTC  


2021-02-19 02:02:18 UTC  


2021-02-19 03:51:14 UTC  

Let's hope the recall works and the Democrats fail and get the kick the tha e they deserved for a long time...

2021-02-19 04:16:22 UTC  

I can go ahead and tell you that NC will no longer have Richard Burr

2021-02-19 04:20:25 UTC  

Convince me otherwise but I believe we can reclaim the House and Senate by 2024. I see no reason for them to use the excuse of Covid for mail invoting by that time, but my only worry is Dominion machines. But I still am believing strong that that can happen.

2021-02-19 04:21:45 UTC  

That's my opinion. That's not from an yuh website at all. Mainly because I don't even go on any to see news like that.

2021-02-19 04:22:15 UTC  

Conservative or Liberal, I just don't want to hear it.

2021-02-19 04:49:34 UTC  

Yeah but NC is leaning very republican so either way

2021-02-19 04:53:03 UTC  


2021-02-19 05:43:56 UTC  

The problem is convincing people who think differently than us

2021-02-19 08:57:58 UTC  

you clearly dont know what is a true left party. learn about uruguay and what the frente amplio is doing. that is a true leftists party running uncontrolled. and worse the UN protects them.

2021-02-19 09:13:10 UTC  

the left party on uruguay is currently hiring criminals to attack police officers. even the union of workers say that police men and woman are evil and they deserve it.

2021-02-19 09:15:11 UTC  

they want to take down a compendium of 500 modifications/new laws introduced by our current center/right wing coalition goverment and they actually purchase your signature with money stamps for food or even hamburgers for each signature. that is anti constitucional and anti democracy

2021-02-19 09:26:04 UTC  

depending on the structure and level of corruption the legal and police systems of the gov involved, who's to say if the criminals are really criminal or just political prisoners

2021-02-19 09:57:25 UTC  

sicarios and gang members are now political prisioners?

2021-02-19 09:59:06 UTC  

btw corrently we live on a democracy we dont have political prisioners on uruguay just fyi

2021-02-19 10:15:22 UTC  

all our problems come from the left side of the political spectrum

2021-02-19 14:44:10 UTC  

i think this is a problem in the world, not just on US and the democrats. i am seeing similar issues on uruguay. argentina. brazil. we are all people we work the same. different locations and culture. but if something changed on our world like the pollution, etc. that might trigger a change in our mentallity.

2021-02-19 15:22:28 UTC  

anybody really surprised?