Message from @Son of Nerds

Discord ID: 813244111792504842

2021-02-21 02:40:41 UTC  

Ha, the millitary is in the pre cancer death throes.

2021-02-21 02:40:57 UTC  

Then again, they mostly just drone bomb these days.

2021-02-21 02:41:34 UTC  

So you can be a gender queer fat person sitting behind a computer for that kind of combat.

2021-02-21 02:42:50 UTC  

Can I also say, 2020 was crazy, but now we have texas freezing over after biden became president. Even nature refuses to make sense anymore.

2021-02-21 04:40:22 UTC  

The US defeated the soviet union just so we could become our own batshit version of it

2021-02-21 11:49:02 UTC  

If anything, the ycensor too much of the right already

2021-02-21 11:49:10 UTC  

they in a tug of war

2021-02-21 11:49:29 UTC  

dems who want MORE scensorship and REPUblicans who want them to stop censoring

2021-02-21 18:11:54 UTC  

Why haven't the Conservatives come out strong blaming the conditions in Texas on Biden. Everyone knows that had it happened under Trump, Trump certainly would have been blamed. We need to strike back with their same BS to drive the point home!

2021-02-21 18:25:19 UTC  


2021-02-21 18:25:44 UTC  

Either that or they're being pussies at the moment

2021-02-21 19:09:38 UTC  

Ive already said that, it took the old bastard 7 days to declare an emergency in Texas and dozens died by then, but no lets worry about a senator who has NO AUTHORITY over the whole ordeal.

2021-02-21 19:11:32 UTC  

I don’t blame him, I would have done the same if able. Who wouldn’t want to go somewhere warmer? He flew commercial, wasn’t trying to hide it in the least. Never expected people to lose their minds over something so trivial.

2021-02-21 19:13:25 UTC  

This, it doesnt take a genius to figure that out, but no lets just take someone elses opinion on the issue seriously (aka the propaganda media)

2021-02-21 19:16:58 UTC  

It’s sad, people glue themselves to the MSM and that’s that, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. People all think they are entitled to their own facts too much. No one wants to mention the cutbacks on production the White House was asking of our grid here to align with their green new deal idea. It’s just throw the blame, not be the solution. It’s always easier to claim to be outside the problem than part of it of course.

2021-02-21 19:20:14 UTC  

As long as it doesn't affect me is pretty much how these sheep think, "hey at least im not losing my job or losing the salary, its perfectly fine then"

2021-02-21 19:27:16 UTC  

The White House is loving it though, watching the media flame the fire of the blame being thrown at everyone but who it needs to be directed at... the Biden Admin.. I seem to remember a campaign lie he spewed on about electing him or face hellish wildfires and other climate change disaster... crock of shit.. point is we are 2months in and have the same exact issues they preached about still happening. It’s a charade

2021-02-21 19:30:13 UTC  

It is, after all, one of the tactics of the left to redirect. No, no... let's not blame Biden.. Look! Cruz baled on his own state, even though he has very little to do with actual State problems (at least on the State level) and may have planned this little family vacation 3 months ago. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending Ted... I'm very unhappy with him lately over things he has said publicly about Trump, but I do think we need to see past the "redirection" and stay focused.

2021-02-21 19:34:16 UTC  

Agreed, such a trivial problem to have with him.. a vacation.

2021-02-22 03:01:45 UTC  

Funny thing is, most of the people complaining about Cruz would be the first ones out of the state if they had that kind of money

2021-02-22 04:46:29 UTC  

I tend to notice that too in my daily dealings and hearing people chat about it, the double standard is definitely out and about. Very little, if any, news was circulated about the various dems who left to vacation during lockdowns. Some MSM talked about it a day or two, but turn the tables and it becomes the equivalent of treason.

2021-02-22 17:52:17 UTC  

Oh boy

2021-02-22 17:55:34 UTC  

Biden Privately Tells Democrats That Minimum Wage Hike Is ‘Dead’ -The Daily Wire

2021-02-22 18:19:28 UTC  

Ah you beat me to it!

2021-02-22 19:09:00 UTC  

Are you surprised at all?

2021-02-22 19:09:52 UTC  
2021-02-22 19:51:27 UTC  


2021-02-22 20:59:05 UTC the nasa admin pick from the Biden administration will be disastrous for nasa

2021-02-22 21:01:56 UTC  

This guy is a corporate sell out and he will cancel commercial programs and ruin artimis

2021-02-22 21:27:18 UTC  

So SpaceX will just be the new NASA, right?

2021-02-22 21:29:30 UTC  

Not how it works

2021-02-22 21:31:37 UTC  

I meant in the sense that they will replace it as the most prominent space agency that is advancing into space, rather than chumming around doing ISS missions.

2021-02-22 21:32:49 UTC  

They are a service to NASA

2021-02-22 21:34:57 UTC  


2021-02-22 21:35:47 UTC  

So does the new administrator signify that NASA is going to push back their plans again. If I remember correctly, they were supposed to be back on the moon 2 years ago.

2021-02-22 21:48:11 UTC  

Exactly every new admin screws worth the politics for nasa

2021-02-22 21:48:44 UTC  

Everything Trump did for nasa the dems want to do but undo what trump did

2021-02-22 21:49:27 UTC  

Biden will likely push the moon landing to 2026+ for political reasons

2021-02-22 21:49:30 UTC  

Basically what they are doing in general