Message from @yo mama

Discord ID: 805526060573392966

2021-01-31 19:19:37 UTC  

i thought a couple of them were pretty funny, but not the funniest id seen in the channels all week

2021-01-31 19:20:03 UTC  

definitely neither, otherwise that biden one never would have made it in

2021-01-31 19:21:54 UTC  

He has a big piece of iron on his hip

2021-01-31 19:30:06 UTC  

you can definitely give us recommendation. you can nominate a meme you think deserves a place in motw to me, provided it's not what you posted

2021-01-31 19:42:02 UTC  

the problem is the MODS are picking the memes, I think Carl bot has a way for whenever you post something, he post will automatically have a reaction, and posts with let’s say over 100 reactions can go to a separate channel. Or maybe you could find a way to get the top 15 or so most reacted memes in a separate channel. I think letting the community decide the best memes would be better than the mods.

2021-01-31 19:46:19 UTC  

for sure. this sounds like a very good idea. can you put that in the <#801170187234967583> ?

yeah. i also don't agree that letting the community decides would be better. that being said, some of the memes that won motw aren't even considered "memes". they are just screenshots of tweets. personally, i'm trying to find a way to encourage more original memes rather than memes that are reposted or not actually memes

2021-01-31 19:48:12 UTC  

That may work but some memes get more reactions for really no reason. Also, everyone can add reactions to their own memes. And third, if it's based on reactions, the reactions will start dominating the space. People will add every reaction to each post and it will be ridiculous.

2021-01-31 19:49:45 UTC  

no like

2021-01-31 19:49:51 UTC  

the bot makes reaction

2021-01-31 19:49:57 UTC  

like a star emoji or a check

2021-01-31 19:50:27 UTC  

so it's just checkmark (like what we have currently for motw), but implement on all meme channels

2021-01-31 19:50:52 UTC  

but would we still be able to use the other reactions?

2021-01-31 19:50:55 UTC  

yeah, so like the people on this server will vote for the best memes

2021-01-31 19:51:08 UTC  

yeah duh only the one reaction will determine it

2021-01-31 19:51:20 UTC  

on the pixel gun discord server they have it like that

2021-01-31 19:51:29 UTC  

The question is do we want this place to be what Facebook was with the whole 👍 war or Twitter with its Likes

2021-01-31 19:51:34 UTC  

ok, bc on motw we cant use other ractions

2021-01-31 19:51:34 UTC  

and postts with over 20 reactions will go to a seperate channel

2021-01-31 19:51:47 UTC  

the thing is we want the memes that get the most reactions that are posted within the week

2021-01-31 19:52:58 UTC  

well once memes are in that posted they can't get unposted there

2021-01-31 19:53:06 UTC  

idk this is just a suggestion

2021-01-31 19:53:11 UTC  

I don't think MOTW is that important and whatever the Mods pick is fine. It may be dumb but so is the whole concept in the first place.

2021-01-31 19:53:15 UTC  

the downside of the checkmark system is usually original memes get very little reactions, while things that aren't "memes" get on top -- meme creators as well as casual posters report that the memes they lifted off the internet do better than their original memes

2021-01-31 19:53:42 UTC  


2021-01-31 19:53:43 UTC  

no. i like the idea. can you put it in the <#801170187234967583> ?

2021-01-31 19:53:51 UTC  


2021-01-31 19:56:50 UTC  

I've seen "memes" which are complete garbage get tons of reactions while actual memes get 0. Until now, reactions were just there if you wanted to use them. If you guys want to incorporate a system where they actually mean something, that's fine. But remember, it may lead to unwanted consequences.

2021-01-31 19:57:55 UTC  

@yo mama you must put ,suggest before your suggestion. Redo it.

2021-01-31 19:57:59 UTC  

yup, definitely. i like the idea of community vote, but popular =/= good

2021-01-31 19:58:29 UTC  

which is why i kinda like the idea of community recommending the memes to mods/zeds for motw

2021-01-31 19:58:54 UTC  

it's not the best system, but it means good memes are not forgotten

2021-01-31 20:00:07 UTC  

i like getting reactions in general tho. Makes the memeing worth it even if my meme isn't that good

2021-01-31 20:00:55 UTC  

So do I. I go back and check sometimes (maybe too many times 😂)

2021-01-31 20:01:03 UTC  


2021-01-31 20:01:27 UTC  

I find that if you add reactions to the meme it encourages others to click the reaction

2021-01-31 20:02:23 UTC  

Not necessarily if you add it yourself, but once the reaction is there, others will up react.

2021-01-31 20:02:25 UTC  

yeah but mod pick memes will lead to good meme mods didn't see and don't pick

2021-01-31 20:03:54 UTC  


2021-01-31 20:04:39 UTC  

I'm not really sure what you're saying, but I think the Mods actually see a lot more of the memes than most users. So they see all the memes while we regular folk only see what we get a chance to see. So the Mods actually have a better idea of what is out there.

2021-01-31 20:05:50 UTC  

Don't yell.
Click on 🤣 MEMES, it should come back