Message from @Dex

Discord ID: 819074600625373194

2021-03-10 05:05:56 UTC  

Yeah. For all the Drama LLamas this channel is infested with.

2021-03-10 05:06:12 UTC  

i changed my status to be directed at him

2021-03-10 05:06:38 UTC  

GOOD <:salut:730846445732888630> We stick together 🥰

2021-03-10 05:06:50 UTC  

i just threatened to bite somebody

2021-03-10 05:06:56 UTC  

for you

2021-03-10 05:07:02 UTC  

...Technically, Goldy's mine. Or at least, under my general aegis.

2021-03-10 05:07:12 UTC  

Oh guys no don't fight over me

2021-03-10 05:07:24 UTC  

too late. im going to bite somebody before the sun rises.

2021-03-10 05:07:26 UTC  

Ok but why did OP like the video in <#801170165239906345> <:dogekek:726878872607653918> in the screenshot

2021-03-10 05:07:54 UTC  

Okkkkk well if you have to I guess 🙄

2021-03-10 05:08:06 UTC  

im going to give somebody a disease

2021-03-10 05:08:41 UTC  

wait i just realized i dont have canines

2021-03-10 05:08:42 UTC  

So. I was exhausted, one of my players was literally nodding off mid-game, and the group split in two different directions. Game went well tonight.

2021-03-10 05:09:23 UTC  

ehhh alright well if it went well <:Nervous_Monkey:797288817115267082>

2021-03-10 05:09:33 UTC  


2021-03-10 05:09:35 UTC  

<#801170165239906345> tf did i come back to and why would you like this

2021-03-10 05:09:46 UTC  

These guys are running me ragged. LOL It's fun, though.

2021-03-10 05:10:02 UTC  

goldy are you laughing at the fact that im missing teeth

2021-03-10 05:10:03 UTC  

wow smh Dexy 🙄

2021-03-10 05:10:13 UTC  

the adult ones are impacted jgrkheslgkresgfd

2021-03-10 05:10:24 UTC  

whattttttt no i would never laugh at you, I'm laughing with you 😊

2021-03-10 05:10:38 UTC  

Mr or Mrs or Ms Mod please mute me for 30 minutes or more i so i will go to bed

2021-03-10 05:10:56 UTC  

ohhh yeah have the same problem, my left one is still struggling to grow and my right it not fully out yet

2021-03-10 05:11:06 UTC  
2021-03-10 05:11:17 UTC  

Jakey needs his sleep 🙄

2021-03-10 05:11:24 UTC  

i had to get both canines pulled so they're gone with the adult ones just. stuck.

2021-03-10 05:11:28 UTC  

Thank you Iso 😌

2021-03-10 05:11:34 UTC  

I'm missing most of my back teeth, and my top right front tooth.

2021-03-10 05:11:35 UTC  

.mute 5h @Cameron Sadowski nighty nighty <:JWolfWave_112px:815611878449348658>

2021-03-10 05:11:36 UTC  

2021-03-10 05:11:57 UTC  

Did it hurt? 🥺

2021-03-10 05:12:10 UTC  

Jeeeez <:Nervous_Monkey:797288817115267082>

2021-03-10 05:12:35 UTC  


2021-03-10 05:12:40 UTC  

absolutley but she used WAYYYYY too much novocaine so i was numb up to my nose for a good few hours

2021-03-10 05:13:00 UTC  

Some idiot put a spoon in my mouth once, I seized hard enough to damage my back teeth, and eventually they had to go.

2021-03-10 05:13:14 UTC  

The front tooth...I lost a fight with a desk.

2021-03-10 05:13:21 UTC  

Ehhhh but still I don't like to hear that it hurt you though 🥺

2021-03-10 05:13:28 UTC  

that happened to me but with a bottom canine