Message from @CommunismIsForIdiots

Discord ID: 805281187424894996

2021-01-29 03:55:22 UTC  

Watch the whole thing, it's great.

2021-01-29 04:07:29 UTC  

Also, @Bourbon in Gift Wrap thing about the Indians that's important:
Have you ever heard of Dunbar's number?
A lot of the way Indian tribes were run has everything to do with evolutionary psychology.

You can keep a group of 150 people together as friends, REAL friends, who are willing to sacrifice significantly for each other. Of those 150, you could consider 40 of those as your equivalent or more important than yourself. That means that, without blinking, you would sacrifice your life for theirs.

Number of people in a platoon? 20-40.
Number of people in a company? The next level of unit organization? Averages about 150.

2021-01-29 04:10:35 UTC  

Indian tribes worked as well as they did because they usually stuck to groups of about 150. When everyone knows everyone else, there's not so much of a need to organize your society. Either you stick up for yourself and set appropriate boundaries with other members of the tribe, or you didn't. But the rules tended to be fluid based on the needs of the time. And this worked because, within a group of friends, nobody was willing to "game the system" to screw over their fellow tribe members.

2021-01-29 15:50:11 UTC  

makes alotta sense, if u know/like everyone around u like family u aint gonna try to fuck em over as much

2021-01-29 19:12:50 UTC  

Depends on how corrupt/ money hungry people are...I’ve seen my own relatives send a sick person to the nursing home and not give a shit once they get P.O.A

2021-01-30 00:05:25 UTC  

117th Spetsnaz in Ghanzi

2021-01-30 00:06:40 UTC  

Members of 186th spetsnaz battalion under the command of Lt.Onishuk , July 1987

2021-01-30 00:10:10 UTC  


2021-01-30 00:46:31 UTC  

A minigun being fired from a combat search and rescue helicopter in Vietnam

2021-01-30 00:46:47 UTC  

Minigun go burrrr

2021-01-30 03:53:28 UTC  

That’s so cool

2021-01-30 03:54:11 UTC  

I wonder if liberals know any history besides slavery

2021-01-30 05:47:00 UTC  

I'm not sure they know that well.

2021-01-30 12:50:58 UTC  

They don't know 😄 and even i can say it not leaving in US 😄

2021-01-30 14:42:25 UTC  

When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."

"Does the government fear us? Or do we fear the government? When the people fear the government, tyranny has found victory. The federal government is our servant, not our master!"

“When the people fear the government, that's tyranny; when the government fears the people, that's freedom.”

If these quotes arnt allowed please let me know as i dont wanna get this channel or me introuble lol

2021-01-31 01:49:27 UTC  

Just found out Finland recently removed the swastika from their airforce flag, they have been using this since 1918 way before nazis existed

2021-01-31 01:59:37 UTC  

I wonder how many years that got them harassed because people didn’t know that..

2021-01-31 02:02:19 UTC  

I also wonder how uncomfortable that flag had to be to be saluted by those who thought it was from the “regime”

2021-01-31 03:38:29 UTC  

Probably a lot

2021-01-31 03:39:12 UTC  

It’s not even rotated at the 45 degree angle

2021-01-31 03:39:56 UTC  

The flag was made during the Finnish civil war, the swatika was put on there as a good luck sign

2021-01-31 03:47:29 UTC  

Oh I get the angle, but still. Everyone is going to, or was going to, Nazi shame them.

2021-01-31 07:08:18 UTC  

They're wrong. I can't believe people nowadays thinking any symbol that is originated from the Hindu symbol is nazi

2021-01-31 08:38:11 UTC  

Because Hitler, being the Jackass he was, stole the symbols.

2021-01-31 11:14:45 UTC  

Isn’t it supposed to turn the other way?

2021-01-31 15:41:24 UTC  

Yes mirrored and turned to make it look sorta like a rhombus. That's the swastika if you do those 2 things

2021-01-31 15:44:21 UTC

2021-01-31 15:57:04 UTC  

Yeah the Nazi swastica goes in a clockwise motion.

2021-01-31 17:33:05 UTC

2021-01-31 20:56:36 UTC  

So I have a question about the Korean War.
Since the Chinese engaged US troops near the end of the Korean War, wouldn’t that be an act of war against the US? What happened after? Did the US just ignore the fact China essentially declared War on them?

2021-01-31 21:09:32 UTC  

Got remember they attacked US because we was up in their territory. They just shoved our troops back bellow that parallel line. So theoretically we didn’t ignore it, they handed us our asses then.

2021-01-31 21:10:08 UTC  

If China came down on the parallel after our troops, then I think it would have been different.

2021-01-31 21:10:54 UTC  

Was Korea Chinese territory

2021-01-31 21:11:04 UTC  

Parts of it...yes

2021-01-31 21:12:14 UTC  

Remember Kora is split along the 34th parallel if I’m correct on that number. North Korea was communist and like a colony to China. South Korea was Like US colony.

2021-01-31 21:12:42 UTC  

That and one of our General’s kept claiming we was going to invade China, probably drop an atom bomb up there.

2021-01-31 21:13:26 UTC  

I guess that makes sense

2021-01-31 21:15:02 UTC  

I covered that topic last semester of University. Pretty much China was being told by our president this one thing. Then seeing these other by our general stationed there and was like
“WTF, make up your mind”

2021-01-31 21:25:20 UTC  

Watch this woman's face light up when listening to Yuri Bezmonov. Recently redpilled woman, and you can see the lightbulbs coming on in her head.

2021-01-31 22:02:38 UTC  

@Mistress-Kadachi are you joking

2021-01-31 22:02:47 UTC  

are you being serious