Message from @bigalexgaming

Discord ID: 807725017621987378

2021-02-06 02:16:09 UTC  

You’re fine. I started on pocket edition lite, than pocket edition, a little bit of xBox 360 edition, and a little bit of whatever the pc version was called back than on a laggy pos laptop, than a few more years of pocket edition, than xBox One edition in 2016, than bedrock, now I play Java on a proper gaming pc

2021-02-06 02:17:52 UTC  

i started on beta 1.6 on the computer so maybe 2011 then pocket for while then ps3. and im back to java

2021-02-06 03:13:25 UTC  

carried the whole team the whole game. came out with 20 something kills and got called a hacker by their whole team

2021-02-06 03:14:39 UTC  

probably because i hosed all of them in one round, but its called an ace, not hacks

2021-02-06 03:15:41 UTC  

Good work @Goose, well done

2021-02-06 03:16:19 UTC  

thanks, just recently started playing again. i dont miss the toxicity, but its a game i can do well and have fun in so oh well

2021-02-06 03:17:51 UTC  

I jump back into it every now and then

2021-02-06 05:34:53 UTC  

Dang 65 hours seems fast anyways been trying to play the ff series in order I played 1-4 but 5 and 6 was hard to find to im playing 5 and 7 at the same time

2021-02-06 07:25:02 UTC  

I think FFVI (I played the FFIII USA version for SNES) took me over 73 hours to beat.

2021-02-06 07:26:43 UTC  

At the classic game shop in the mall they usually have a few FFIII (FFVI JPN) cartridges.

2021-02-06 07:28:44 UTC  

I’m not sure on the price...

2021-02-06 07:29:36 UTC  

I mostly look for DMG and PS2-PS1 games.

2021-02-06 07:30:26 UTC  

They don’t have any games for my Atari 600XL because it’s too rare of a system...

2021-02-06 08:25:44 UTC

2021-02-06 08:25:46 UTC  

cool clip i got in cold war

2021-02-06 10:19:44 UTC  

Is Corrin the most forgettable Smash Bros character?

2021-02-06 11:22:09 UTC  

Personally, I don't care about any Fire Emblem character. Maybe I should play more JRPGs

2021-02-06 11:22:48 UTC  

Is Fire Emblem good?

2021-02-06 17:54:29 UTC  


2021-02-06 19:48:40 UTC  

i made the NPC meme into a minecraft skin last year.

2021-02-06 21:30:51 UTC  

this isnt a meme channel

2021-02-07 00:24:49 UTC  

yeah fuck off

2021-02-07 00:35:59 UTC  

Ff5 is kinda hard

2021-02-07 03:04:50 UTC

2021-02-07 04:33:32 UTC  

Opinion: the only proper way to play hitman is to use this policy: there are no witnesses if no one is left to witness

2021-02-07 04:57:38 UTC  

Why is CW campaign so short

2021-02-07 06:15:55 UTC  

Me who shot everyone I could get away with shooting in fallout 4<:Nervous_Monkey:797288817115267082>

2021-02-07 06:20:22 UTC  

The Freedom Planet 2 team is becoming more and more leftist... I really hope they leave their politics out of the game...

2021-02-07 06:24:15 UTC  

Dawn Bennet is an SJW, tons of members have pronouns and pride flags in their profiles, and Steven became Sabrina late last year... The only guy I don’t see getting into politics much is Alejandro Saab.

2021-02-07 06:32:45 UTC  

The original game was just a good old fashioned Sega Genesis tribute with cheesy Saturday morning cartoon voice acting, a light hearted story with some dark moments, and lots of anime references.

2021-02-07 06:34:09 UTC  

This new one looks good gameplay wise... but depending how much woke goes into it I might turn off the cutscenes...

2021-02-07 07:07:08 UTC  

Pure unadulterated truth coming from Razorfist right there.

"Why are pen & paper RPG's making a comeback?"

I dunno, maybe it's because the three megacorporations that make games forgot what made Pen & paper RPG's *fun*? Maybe that's it?

2021-02-07 07:15:16 UTC  

Yeah I'm definitely waiting on buying Freedom Planet 2

2021-02-07 07:16:29 UTC  

The first was fun gameplay wise. Didn't care for the story or voice acting but seeing as how almost everyone involved has lost their damn minds I'm certainly hesitant on supporting it

2021-02-07 08:07:49 UTC  

If anyone plays on PC, I recommend a new game that came out called Valheim, very fun imo.

2021-02-07 15:52:56 UTC  

Not to mention the government locked everyone away for a year? Not everyone can afford video games, and eye and wrist strain are very real.

2021-02-07 16:31:30 UTC  

idk if this is the right channel but i finally saved up enough to buy a mid tier gaming PC. my budget is 1,312 dollars and i need advice on what Gaming PC to buy

2021-02-07 16:39:03 UTC  

Anyone else excited about MLB The Show coming to the XB1?

2021-02-07 16:39:47 UTC  

And a new College Football?