Message from @dbel

Discord ID: 803334582979264593

2021-01-25 15:35:56 UTC  

Ephesians 3:16

2021-01-25 15:44:43 UTC  

"...Wise but not independent," yeah you're gonna have to explain that one. Since when does being wise make independence a negative thing? How do they even correlate in the first place? I would have thought 'obtuse' is a better fit, rather than sacking the idea of one's independence

2021-01-25 15:46:37 UTC  

does the humble part escape you?

2021-01-25 15:47:59 UTC  

No, the ideas simply lack a correlation in my mind. I see it in every other line, but not that one

2021-01-25 15:55:37 UTC

2021-01-25 15:56:33 UTC

2021-01-25 18:28:35 UTC  

Hi there.

2021-01-25 18:31:47 UTC  

Yes, it’s absolutely clear that animals can “reason” in some cases. They can clearly evaluate situations and their opponents. They do exhibit reasoning just not in the popular sense of the word, but no I don’t believe animals souls are eternal

2021-01-25 18:34:03 UTC  

This is based off of the fact that Godly wisdom and discernment is not like our human wisdom. It’s saying, “make me wise in the ways of true wisdom, but don’t let me become so arrogant that I believe that wisdom is my own”

2021-01-25 18:38:24 UTC  

That's great <:Dude:726878886411108474> I say the framing is off though in that image. Better terming needs to be used in my eyes, since words often have more than one meaning (specificity)

2021-01-25 18:39:49 UTC  

Yeah I see how it would trip up some people, are you Christian?

2021-01-25 18:40:30 UTC  

Yes, Protestant. I get real picky with word choice

2021-01-25 18:41:27 UTC  

As long as you follow Christ you’re good lol

2021-01-25 18:43:09 UTC  


2021-01-25 18:43:19 UTC  

this is an important question

2021-01-25 18:43:52 UTC  

are Mormons considered Christians in your opinion

2021-01-25 18:44:25 UTC  


2021-01-25 18:44:29 UTC  


2021-01-25 18:44:33 UTC  

why not

2021-01-25 18:44:49 UTC  

Who was the Messiah?

2021-01-25 18:45:22 UTC  

Jesus Christ who came down to earth to atone for our sins

2021-01-25 18:46:18 UTC  

Who was Joseph smith?

2021-01-25 18:47:22 UTC  

a profit who received a vision of God and his son Jesus Christ in the 1800's

2021-01-25 18:47:53 UTC  

What is the Book of Mormon?

2021-01-25 18:47:57 UTC  

after he prayed and asked God witch of the many churches to join

2021-01-25 18:50:55 UTC  

the book of Mormon is just an account of a people who left Jerusalem under the instruction of God and started a life in the american continent. the book of Mormon is an account of Jesus Christ coming down after his resurrection. to the Americas to preach to the people

2021-01-25 18:51:03 UTC  

sorry about all the text

2021-01-25 18:51:52 UTC  

Alright how important would you say the Book of Mormon is?

2021-01-25 18:52:29 UTC  

it is a companion to the bible. just another account of Jesus Christ

2021-01-25 18:52:56 UTC  

What is the ultimate goal in Mormonism?

2021-01-25 18:53:21 UTC  

to preach the word of God just like all other religions

2021-01-25 18:54:14 UTC  

In the end what happens to the spirit

2021-01-25 18:54:48 UTC  

Does man’s spirit turn into a god?

2021-01-25 18:55:02 UTC  

I dont know

2021-01-25 18:55:37 UTC  

Was God’s spirit once like man’s

2021-01-25 18:55:58 UTC  

I believe that we all get to go to some degree of glory of heaven. I dont know about man becoming Gods.

2021-01-25 18:57:47 UTC  

thank you for asking these questions. and giving me your opinion. I hope you have an amazing day.

2021-01-25 18:58:20 UTC  

I didn’t answer your question, the reason I asked you all those questions was so I could see what you believe

2021-01-25 18:58:46 UTC  


2021-01-25 18:59:36 UTC  

well i hope I helped you understand better what we believe