Message from @MrAconite

Discord ID: 807328784280977428

2021-02-05 15:24:57 UTC  

well, i think that gay marriage is different from actually having gender dysphoria

2021-02-05 15:26:16 UTC  

while it may be true that some people have more natural inclinations towards the same sex that does not mean the act itself is not a sin. i think you can feel attractions towards the same sex without acting on them and it not be a sin unless you start lusting, same with opposite sex attraction

2021-02-05 15:27:19 UTC  

Funny how you say that. I have a bible verse that says even if you thought if you thought of it in your mind it this a sin.

2021-02-05 15:28:35 UTC  

Read this

but I tell you that everyone who gazes at a. woman to lust after her has committed. adultery with her already in his heart.

2021-02-05 15:28:54 UTC  

yeah, jesus says that even looking with lust would be adultury in the heart, that speaking of lust though, not just attraction. like if i see an attractive girl and think "hmm she's good looking" thats not sin, but when i get lustfull sexual thoughts then its a problem

2021-02-05 15:29:07 UTC  

lol you beat me to it

2021-02-05 15:29:31 UTC  


2021-02-05 15:29:42 UTC  

Take care, watermelon

2021-02-05 15:29:44 UTC  

alright 👍

2021-02-05 15:29:46 UTC  

God bless you

2021-02-05 15:29:48 UTC  

cya round

2021-02-05 15:54:10 UTC  

No. It goes against what the bible says. Churches shouldn't care about attraction, but lust, sex, and marriage between the same gender is completely wrong. But a church should let anyone in regardless of their problems, which is unfortunately easier said than done

2021-02-05 16:13:07 UTC  

quite right

2021-02-05 16:15:45 UTC  

As to transgenderism and the Christian view, it is a mental disease called gender dysphoria, and those people should be loved just the same as everyone else because God loves them the same as everyone else, (also over 95% of them grow out of it). God does not approve of transitioning, but He empathizes with the mental ramifications that the disease can have. But if you have an XY and a D, then you are a guy, and you will be referred to as such, and if you have an XX and a V, then you are a gal, and you will be referred to as such.

2021-02-05 19:05:05 UTC  

"And so God Hardened pharohs heart so he would not relent."

2021-02-05 19:07:53 UTC  

That speaks more to things used to be made for quality and to last, vs now where companies have planned obsoletion. Just like car parts. Why do you think every year some new part breaks you need to have fixed just often its an inconvenience but not enough of them for the entire car to break down?

2021-02-05 19:11:42 UTC  

What can anyone REALLY know they do not experience for themselves? They cannot. They can only look at the signs and see if it makes sense. God is a logical God, not one of chaos and whims. He left the Bible both as a guideline book and as proof that cannot be refuted by even some of the most historically inclined.

Do I believe that God has I giant spiderweb of plans and contingencies? Yes. But even Jesus was pretty sparing with his Miracles, using debate and argument to sway people more than "making it rain" blessings on people.

2021-02-05 19:14:34 UTC  

In the Bible, a rainbow appearing after the flooding of the earth was considered to be a miracle performed by God. Science now describes the intricacies of a rainbow and why it appears. Is it still a miracle?

2021-02-05 19:15:25 UTC  

It was a not a miracle. God even said it was a Sign.

2021-02-05 19:15:36 UTC  

I am of the belief that our very existence, our conception at birth, is a miracle performed by God.

2021-02-05 19:16:21 UTC  

There are miracles happening all around us, however we live in a world where darkness surrounds us. It blinds us from seeing God’s beauty as we should.

2021-02-05 19:16:22 UTC  

people are giddy to make anything into a miracle, thereby cheapening actual miracles when they do happen.

2021-02-05 19:16:40 UTC  

That is your opinion

2021-02-05 19:16:45 UTC  

There is a difference between the beauty of the universe and miracles.

2021-02-05 19:17:21 UTC  

That is your opinion. You see how that isnt an argument?

2021-02-05 19:19:06 UTC  

It is true that there are more wonders in existance than the human mind ever can or will comprehend in its entire life and the few that are revealed are to be enjoyed. But just because there are infinite amounts of stars on a nights sky does not mean that is a miracle.

2021-02-05 19:19:20 UTC  

There are some more modern examples

2021-02-05 19:21:55 UTC  

I see severe catholic idolotry and gaudy gold and jewel clad statues for people to pray to. It even said they prayed to the saint, not god. God might have spared them but I dont imagine him apreciating them praying to anyone but him.

2021-02-05 19:22:37 UTC  

Mel Gibsons house was amazingly untouched after that forest fire but nobody said it was a miracle. They just said god was protecting it.

2021-02-05 19:23:18 UTC

2021-02-05 19:24:25 UTC  

Is Mel Gibson a saint then?

2021-02-05 19:24:45 UTC  

That is not how sainthood works

2021-02-05 19:25:24 UTC  

Sainthood was invented by the catholic church, Ive yet to see a biblical verse talking once about sainthood.

2021-02-05 19:26:12 UTC  

That’s untrue. Sainthood existed before Christianity

2021-02-05 19:26:17 UTC  

The book of Enoch

2021-02-05 19:26:20 UTC  


2021-02-05 19:26:30 UTC  

That predates Christianity

2021-02-05 19:26:38 UTC  

A book that the Catholic church recognizes.

2021-02-05 19:26:52 UTC  

But is strangely missing from actual bibles.

2021-02-05 19:27:24 UTC  

The Catholic Church does not at all respect the book of Enoch as the word of God