Message from @Hummingbird

Discord ID: 811123380290977834

2021-02-15 23:54:43 UTC  

Cause the purpose for all life is to reproduce but humans are intelligent and desire more so they created religion as a way to live for another purpose

2021-02-16 00:12:06 UTC  

I disagree, I think it was made as a way for humanity to align all the different instincts they have.

If you're an athiest, think of it this way:
You have the circuitry in your brain found in lobsters, back when humans were still at that stage. Then they evolve into fish. But the Lobster circuitry is still there, buried underneath the fish circuitry. Then the fish evolves into a frog, putting frog circuitry on top of the fish/lobster circuitry,

And this keeps progressing.

How do you navigate all the competing instincts you have? Well, I think that religious people were the first behavioral scientists wondering "I know I have urges, but a whole lot of these urges seem to be self-destructive. But we can't just bury them, otherwise we're miserable." And they observed and they watched people behave and they found ways of living that satisfied all the separate systems buried in our psyche.

2021-02-16 00:14:11 UTC  

That's a way to look at it from an atheist perspective.

2021-02-16 00:14:23 UTC  

Personally, I believe there is a God.

2021-02-16 00:16:05 UTC  

Atheist's don't know what Atheist believe in anymore, and there is literal branches of Atheism. Most Atheist can;t prove their arguments anymore using Science, because the latest 100 years of Science has changed radically and drastically to point to Intelligent Design.

2021-02-16 00:16:51 UTC  

And are you going to change their mind with that argument?

2021-02-16 00:17:21 UTC  

I change there mind by asking simple questions that they answer

2021-02-16 00:17:50 UTC  

^A fan of the socratic method, I see.

2021-02-16 00:20:12 UTC  

I think that different groups of Athiests can be defined as whether or not they believe an ideology.

And ideological person will always pursue a way to make the evidence fit their narrative, instead of building a narrative around the evidence.

2021-02-16 00:21:49 UTC  

The younger generation more, geared towards the ages of 15-21, right now, when engaged in discussion in belief of a god or not, more recently end in them stomping away in a discussion, rather than engaging. I hope this is not a trend.

2021-02-16 00:34:19 UTC  

Interesting perspective. I approve the Socratic method.

2021-02-16 00:35:37 UTC  

I mean we live in a age where if someone refutes your points you block them, accuse them of being racist or call them a science denyer and walk away. Is that really such a suprise?

2021-02-16 00:49:01 UTC  

What questions do you ask that change their mind?

2021-02-16 03:19:24 UTC  

Because of the wide variety of beliefs of an Atheist and types of Atheism, I try to figure out what and why they are questioning. I think depending on there answers, one can dig a deeper hole. Not so much changing their mind, but opening up the broader scope of thinking. It's more of getting the wheels to turn.

2021-02-16 03:19:53 UTC  

Some of it stems from a turning point or reason as to why they became an Atheist

2021-02-16 03:23:24 UTC  

Example might be, one person was once Catholic as a child, and they didn't like the church, so they decided to not follow God, so they claimed to be an Atheist, but not so much. they still believe in a "God" but not from a faith base.

2021-02-16 03:25:49 UTC  

Others may actually state they don't believe in God, the Scientific questions and answers may lead around Darwins' Theory of Evolution. More recently (25-40 yrs) scientists have come to adopt that Darwin Theory of Evolution is not practical.

2021-02-16 03:27:41 UTC  

I think you have to ask a lot of questions to get an understanding from where they are coming from. Some more apt to being open, are actually interested in diving into the Historical Context. For Example, asking them to Disprove Jesus actually existed or Disproving the existence of Peter. And this would be targeting from a Context of Christianity.

2021-02-16 06:31:11 UTC  

Hi i was wondering about the downsides about being an atheist? thanks

2021-02-16 06:34:05 UTC  

And also what about being pro choice

2021-02-16 06:34:43 UTC  

I just got here I haven't looked at previous chats but the downside to being an atheist is being in hell

2021-02-16 06:35:12 UTC  

Oh very interesting i guess i’m going to hell then

2021-02-16 06:35:23 UTC  

Hell isn’t even real

2021-02-16 06:35:43 UTC  

The thing about pro choice is that you giving people the choice to kill a human being

2021-02-16 06:35:44 UTC  

I feel like killing a fetus is not a sin

2021-02-16 06:35:45 UTC  

So I guess I will be fine there

2021-02-16 06:36:07 UTC  

Nor killing a human if it’s not alive

2021-02-16 06:36:10 UTC  

A human being?

2021-02-16 06:36:20 UTC  

The thing not even breathing yet

2021-02-16 06:36:33 UTC  

It’s not even a human, period

2021-02-16 06:36:52 UTC  

i support that, i didnt pull out in time and had to abort

2021-02-16 06:36:59 UTC  

how do you define humanity

2021-02-16 06:37:11 UTC  

not my choice though it was the girls

2021-02-16 06:37:12 UTC  

facts babies lives don’t matter

2021-02-16 06:37:18 UTC  

Something that can breath

2021-02-16 06:37:21 UTC  

Can talk

2021-02-16 06:37:24 UTC  

Can feel

2021-02-16 06:37:24 UTC  


2021-02-16 06:37:27 UTC  

Not a fetus

2021-02-16 06:37:47 UTC  

Abortion should be legal in my opinion

2021-02-16 06:38:09 UTC  

Also I’m an atheist I don’t believe in fiction