Message from @ConservativeCalvinist

Discord ID: 817530450045042718

2021-03-05 22:45:34 UTC  

It’s still murder. There is no difference in sin, there is a difference in consequence

2021-03-05 22:46:07 UTC  

All sin is the same in God’s eyes. He says that even if you hate your brother, you have committed murder before the LORD

2021-03-05 22:48:18 UTC  

We should seek justice not vengeance, and yes I know that many people get through the cracks in our system.

2021-03-05 22:48:40 UTC  


2021-03-05 22:50:13 UTC  

The mans state of mind was understandable, but that isn't how we should do things.

2021-03-05 22:50:39 UTC  

Well I guess in that mans eyes, after taking a man who lived in the slums, getting him a job, helping him get a house, reboot his life, make a fresh start, treated him like family, and then he steals his son and molests him, a life sentence was not just.

2021-03-05 22:51:09 UTC  

Though, that man was a dead man walking as soon as he got in jail and word about him diddling kids got around.

2021-03-05 22:51:30 UTC  

It wasn’t, and I agree that the rapist should have been executed. But it was not the fathers place

2021-03-05 22:51:41 UTC  

But again

2021-03-05 22:51:48 UTC  

Life isnt a happy ending.

2021-03-05 22:52:01 UTC  

And sometimes people break.

2021-03-05 22:52:09 UTC  

Thats why god invented forgiveness.

2021-03-05 22:52:25 UTC  

So you started out by saying that execution is wrong, and then you just said that a life sentence wasn’t just

2021-03-05 22:52:34 UTC  

God also invented justice

2021-03-05 22:52:40 UTC  

I never said ANYTHING against execution.

2021-03-05 22:52:45 UTC  

well considering what usually happens to rapists in prison, a death sentence might be going easy on him.

2021-03-05 22:53:00 UTC  


2021-03-05 22:53:06 UTC  

That’s what you’ve been debating me about

2021-03-05 22:53:20 UTC  

My original argument was incompatable beleifs CANNOT exist in the church, and toleration of such contradictions are not possible for christians.

2021-03-05 22:53:31 UTC  

Well I agree

2021-03-05 22:54:08 UTC  

Which is why I don’t agree with the LGBTQ community or abortion and which is why I agree with the death penalty for crimes deserving of it

2021-03-05 22:54:13 UTC  

such as people of the LGBTQ+2S being as incompatible as people who enjoy breaking the law for fun.

2021-03-05 22:54:56 UTC  

Its like having a Nazi christian or a communist christian. If you got that in your church well...

2021-03-05 22:55:18 UTC  

I don’t

2021-03-05 22:55:32 UTC  

I go to Grace Community Church in Jacksonville

2021-03-05 22:55:51 UTC  

Never seen that at my church.

2021-03-05 22:55:58 UTC  

West Burrow is NOT a church.

2021-03-05 22:56:13 UTC  

Just like the new age Unitarian Church is not a real church.

2021-03-05 22:56:16 UTC  

West Burrow?

2021-03-05 22:56:35 UTC  

were you referring to me

2021-03-05 22:56:54 UTC  

You have never heard of West Burrow baptist church, protesting and showing up and cheering at gay funerals to laugh about how they are going to hell?

2021-03-05 22:57:06 UTC  

or just screaming their retoric at people.

2021-03-05 22:57:25 UTC  

They come from the old 'fire and brimstone' cult.

2021-03-05 22:57:43 UTC  

I've heard of them, they are a pretty tiny group

2021-03-05 22:58:04 UTC  

Well sadly if a gay person never repents they are going to hell

2021-03-05 22:58:15 UTC  

Just like anyone who doesn’t repent

2021-03-05 22:58:56 UTC  

but that goes with a bunch of sins of that nature

2021-03-05 22:59:24 UTC  

Any sin is enough to condemn

2021-03-05 22:59:46 UTC  

Yes but Jesus never imposed his beliefs, views or doctrine on non followers. Nor did he condemn them and talk about how they were going to hell.

2021-03-05 23:00:06 UTC  

He was against the people who were into that sort of thing and also liked to stone people.

2021-03-05 23:00:07 UTC  

It's one in a whole list of similar sins, I'm not saying it's not important.