Message from @Imperial I-class Star Destroyer
Discord ID: 803516762645463051
Yeah some have lowballed us
Okay so Ford is probably your best bet when it comes to getting a good truck
and isn't the Chevy and the GMC pretty much the same truck?
I dunno
It depends on which trucks we looking at
I believe GMC is a bit more fancy but I may be wrong
Same base and stuff though yeah
its... its beautiful
Not sure it’s $4000
Should I
nah ugly af
The jeep is a 1995 YJ with a 2.5L I4 and has 150000 miles on it it is being sold for $4000 should I buy it?
I wouldn’t unless your going to put in a new engine as most engines are only predicted to last 150000miles not saying that they won’t last more but it all depends on how they are treated.
It the body and frame have little to no rust than yes and get a new motor when the time comes but other than that I wouldn’t personally get it
Here is the new exhaust. I don't think my roommate has reved a car before lol.
No he really hasn’t revved before has he
does he have a liscense?
Is the lift a Rough Country lift, and how much rust does it have? Check the rear body mounts, the rear shock mounts, and the frame where the skid plate mounts. The '95 is the best year with all of the upgrades, but the four-banger is completely gutless.
Thanks for the advice this is probably going to be my first car but I looked for rust there was some light surface rust but nothing to deep the radio is missing but he is giving me a free CB radio the windshield has a big crack and the paint is worn from a bad job at a clear coat, also heater does not work but no damage and minimal rust, also not sure what lift is in it
All I’m going to say is this. If it’s cold like it is in Kentucky right now, you’re going to die driving that thing without a heater. The actuator on my 2012 Avenger is only blowing hot hair out one vent, and it’s torture to drive it everyday.
I have a 2008 Ford F-150 XLT Triton, with a big ole' 5.4L V8. It has a light bar and a nice lift as well as some other things. I'm trying to find a picture of when I flew flags behind it this summer. Its a nice little truck for my first vehicle. I wanna add some undercarriage lights but I live down a dirt road and im afraid that they would fall off lol.
Sadly I don’t think that will be a problem because I sadly live in California but thanks for the advice
Then in your case....if the AC is out, don’t buy it.
It is a soft top free ac lol
Don’t soft tops typically leak on jeeps tho?
^ Yes plus they are extremely loud on the highway.
Both points true ah fuck it I’m going to do it
If anything. Before you do. Run the VIN/Serial number first.
Then, go to a website that has a list of jeeps VIN, and do a check.
Just because it looks pretty, doesn’t mean it has a nice pretty title.
Hey its your money if you like it buy it dude.
Not sure if it was posted here.