Message from @1P-10 tac
Discord ID: 809942582272458802
Lol wdym
Just some air force 1s with roses on them
No i mean i dont even know how to draw like that
Like how the fuck you draw like that the best thing i can draw is a rocket
Lol it takes practice and time. The best things are often the hardest to achieve
Like this
My process goes like this Sketch - Linework - ''Shit this looks ugly'' - Delete
Haha, questioning your work definitely plays a part. Just get a 2nd opinion lol thats what I do
If you're actually wondering, I use the grid method the to get proportions and then just blend with charcoal until it looks okay
I've also heard a method of turning the reference upside down, that way you're drawing more abstract shapes which could be easier
As a little mind-hack
That also works too, some of my classmates use that method
@isoboto is this good for the first drawing i tried to put effort in i have really shaky hands so yea
yeah, that's pretty good!
try drawing on paper first. paper would help you reduce the shaky hand syndrome
Its suppouse to be a AR pistol does it kinda look like it @isoboto
I might try drawing alien guns
Pew pew
do you have lined paper? <:KEK:795742276549607456> sticky notes would work too
Functional, and looks solid. Are you going to paint it artistically, or just stain it?
Stain it, paint is too commercial of a feel for me. I'm waiting for my basement windows to get replaced next week, so that I don't stink up the house that bad while staining
Cool. I also like the cleanout roof.
Really? It was supposed to have a downwards angle to it..
I like the idea of a removable roof instead of a removable bottom. I've seen too many birdhouses lose their bottoms in bad weather, so have the top removable works better.
A removable bottom? That I have not heard or seen of, granted I live under a rock. The original plan this was based off of had a sideways swinging door. It used some nails as pins to hold it in place, obviously a deficiency. Good thing I went with the hooks 😅
Looks good.
Yeah those panel gaps nearly drove me insane, I gotta fill the inside next
How often do you make these?