Message from @beanbandit
Discord ID: 810681753009258546
Is there a place I can post I found online
Maybe you should go to questions-for-staff
Cuz idk
This Godzilla?
They want me to do reverse search on some art I want to share so I’m not goin to post it then to much work
Lol I don't blame you.
Someone else said to just post them
Yes, you're fine to post it.
OOOOH i love this
i mean, it's not that much work. google would tell you exactly who is it within a click
just right click and choose the "Search Google" for a reverse search
Hang on I have to go through over 4000 pics
oh lol
These are amazing
I didn’t do them I found them I just like to share
A Lego hurdy gurdy.
It makes sound but it can't be used to make any music.
@BuddyBudboy damn dude these are really good.
Describes me. LOL
I like that Godzilla one.
Wow nice!
No dude your better than me
Jojo, am I right? (the anime)
That's pretty well done!
I'm hoping one day I can build a real wooden hurdy gurdy that I can actually tune and play.
It will most likely be medieval style box shaped one. The more modern curvy ones will be way too hard to make.
Yeah that's good work.