Message from @Iamspeedhulkdab

Discord ID: 812787904849510400

2021-02-19 19:57:31 UTC  

What type of math is it? I can help in algebra and geometry (probably lol)

2021-02-19 20:00:59 UTC  

its algebra 2

2021-02-19 20:02:18 UTC  

the question is what will f(g(x)) and g(f(x)) equal if the functions are inverse? and the answers are 0, -1, x, and 1

2021-02-19 20:17:25 UTC  

I’m sorry, I haven’t taken algebra two yet. I wish I could help! The only help I might be able to offer is to suggest that you use a graphing calculator, if this is a problem that could use one. I wouldn’t know if it even is, the idea just popped into my head. Sorry

2021-02-19 20:18:22 UTC  

ahah all good thanks for trying \:)

2021-02-19 20:18:42 UTC  

Good luck buddy

2021-02-19 20:55:44 UTC  

I can help, but I am not sure what exactly the question is asking.

2021-02-19 20:57:03 UTC  

Oh, I get it now

2021-02-19 20:58:56 UTC  

If g(x) is the inverse of f(x) and vice-versa, then the f(g(x)) and G(f(x)) = x. If you pick any equation, find the inverse and then put that equation into the original in a composition then the answer will be x.

2021-02-19 21:00:13 UTC  

ok thank you I thought it was x but I think i'm always wrong so I like to check thank you so much!

2021-02-19 21:00:25 UTC  

No worries

2021-02-19 21:00:45 UTC  

Glad I could help

2021-02-20 05:51:55 UTC  

J can help

2021-02-20 05:52:10 UTC  

It will equal x

2021-02-20 05:52:20 UTC  

Oh nvm you already got someone

2021-02-20 20:36:45 UTC  

I got a D- minus in Spanish this pandemic schooling has ruined my motivation

2021-02-20 20:37:27 UTC  

Its not even that I don't understand it I get it completely but just lost interest in doing the work

2021-02-20 20:38:31 UTC  

I went from a 4.0 GPA to almost failing in two classes <:Teeth:798301808996384828>

2021-02-20 20:40:19 UTC  

Luckily there is still time to get it up but I just hate how unmotivated I am as of now

2021-02-20 20:42:10 UTC  

Any psychological reasons why this is

2021-02-20 20:48:57 UTC  

Happened to me too pal
I recommend finding that fire again
Look at all of your past accomplishments and find that want
A lot of people were placed in lockdown and had to adjust to being alone all the time
It’s like adjusting to having a new school after moving
You just don’t feel like going forward

2021-02-20 20:58:09 UTC  

Yeah just hate disappointing my teachers they have been asking me if I'm okay and I had no idea what to say. I've been in real school for a little bit now but instead of having snow days we have e learning days which I only do the classes with online work and procrastinate the book work. I just think I've been struggling mentally and just feel tired of school and instead just want to play video games. I used to be a good student but I really hate change and even though we're basically back to normal we still wear mask and it doesn't feel the same. All the people I liked talking to have now started talking to other people and don't make any room for me to speak. I literally sat by a group of kids and they said the seat was taken when it wasn't. I've mind you been trying to conversate with them and now I think I'm realizing I have very few people besides the teachers to talk to which hasn't been great on me mentally.

2021-02-20 21:01:08 UTC  

I'm not suicidal or depressed just hate how unmotivated I've become and I think its all psychological

2021-02-20 21:07:24 UTC  

@Conminer47 I’ve been in a similar situation. I’ve been homeschooled this past year by my parents, except it turns out homeschooling isn’t great for me. I’m actually struggling in Spanish too. I’ve also had some troubke with my friends, not because they’ve been mean, but because they never talk to me. They’ve all been in public school while I’ve been stuck at home. When it comes to motivation, the best thing I can suggest is to decide success. This is something I have to do myself. I had to write a speech for a club I’m in, speech and debate. I emailed my coach and told him I was aiming for the top, then I had to work to make that happen.

2021-02-20 21:12:15 UTC  

I get really sluggish sometimes and don’t finish all of my work still. Just hear this- it will be ok. It will get better. I know that seems impossible, I tell myself that all the time and feel like laughing at myself. But none of this is your fault or mine, and (I’m assuming) we’ve both have had little instruction on how to deal with our loneliness and lack of motivation. But even our graded this year, while we want to do our best, can be caught up next year and made up for. Whenever I need motivated, I try to be like my favorite characters in shows and books. Whether that’s Hermione Granger or Katsuki Bakugo (MHA) I find it helps, even if it might be a little silly. It’s about finding the traits these characters have that you admire most- for example, Katsuki Bakugo from MHA is no angel, yet he is my favorite character since he works hard for success and won’t settle for less. I try to replicate this trait of his when working on school work. Again, kinda silly, but ever since I was young I tried this kinda thing as a strategy. But overall point- it will be ok and none of this is your fault.

2021-02-20 21:17:44 UTC  

I’m not even speaking as someone who has it all figured out, I’m in the same boat as you. I don’t want it to sound wrong. I’m actually procrastinating right now a heavy load of home work. Jeez, I write too much. Should’ve condensed everything I just said. I’ll wrap this up by saying that I’ll be praying for you, that everything gets better. Good luck with everything! Idk if you’re a Christian but this verse is good, even if you’re not. “Consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds.” -James 1:2. I think this verse is pretty good whether you’re a Christian or not.

2021-02-20 21:20:22 UTC  

It just means to make the most as best you can and try to avoid stress by making it a privilege to face a trial and overcome it. Good luck again

2021-02-20 22:02:26 UTC  

Yeah I am a Christian and that was a great encouragement thank you. I still have a final project thats due in May in us history where I have to rank 10 randomly chosen presidents and I'm confused how to start and seemed to have forgotten which presidents I have so wish me luck

2021-02-20 22:03:21 UTC  

William Henry Harrison was number 1

2021-02-20 22:03:30 UTC  


2021-02-20 22:03:43 UTC  

Cause he did nothing?

2021-02-20 22:04:07 UTC  

Also he's not on the list because he died to early

2021-02-20 22:19:46 UTC  

That’s why he’s number 1

2021-02-20 22:24:50 UTC  

I live in Indiana, we have to learn about how he did nothing which is really disappointing. I’m pretty sure he was the only president from Indiana, our only pride, and... he died.

2021-02-20 22:34:04 UTC  

He also declared war on Indians

2021-02-20 22:34:11 UTC  

George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are the two best, if you want a good grade, you may want to keep Trump out since there is a 50% chance you’ll provoke your teacher. It is also debatable how he ranks against presidents from years and years ago, how his accomplishments rank against theirs since they dealt with very different issues. Jefferson is a good one ofc. Father of the Declaration of Independence and he was responsible for the Louisiana purchase. I gotta say it would be easier to list bad presidents lol. Idek many presidents, though I am taking eighth grade us history this year, so I mean I don’t have to know too much.

2021-02-20 22:35:55 UTC  

Yup, the Battle of Tippecanoe and the Battle of Thames River. I’m surprised I know this. There really are not a lot of famous people from Indiana so we learn about this guy a lot.

2021-02-20 22:38:08 UTC  

I remember a sad elementary school singing performance thingy where we talked about things Indiana is proud of, like that was all we were doing, and it was basically “this guy was president for a month”. We should’ve just talked about corn the whole performance

2021-02-21 01:10:52 UTC  

<:Teeth:798301808996384828> same

i got like 80% last semester. now i'm on the verge of failing the most critical class

2021-02-21 01:11:03 UTC  

i kinda don't care anymore, and it's bad