Message from @Arkayde

Discord ID: 812122170381303848

2021-02-19 00:41:33 UTC  

Rush did make fun of no smoking laws, claimed they were dumb, then died of lung cancer, so THAT is ironic

2021-02-19 00:41:34 UTC  

citation needed

2021-02-19 00:41:50 UTC  

Idk how to feel about no smoking laws

2021-02-19 00:41:52 UTC  


2021-02-19 00:41:58 UTC  

It’s just a claim from what I heard and I’m trying to find some evidence for it

2021-02-19 00:42:05 UTC  

But either way I’m making fun of him

2021-02-19 00:42:10 UTC  

Source: Just trust me bro.

There should probably be no smoking laws to discourage smoking

2021-02-19 00:42:13 UTC  

Like Tobacco industry big but smoking bad

But then again do what you want

2021-02-19 00:42:23 UTC  

Then let's not say it's appropriate to ridicule his death based on unfounded rumor?

2021-02-19 00:42:40 UTC  

My dad did research on smoking

2021-02-19 00:42:50 UTC  

Logic isn't allowed, you're going to Gulag.

2021-02-19 00:42:50 UTC  

Cigars and cigarettes are two different things

2021-02-19 00:42:57 UTC  

Well duh

2021-02-19 00:43:02 UTC  

Rush was good sometimes, Rush was bad sometimes, he was human and loved his country

2021-02-19 00:43:07 UTC  

already looked it up, he mocked the gay population for engaging in risky behavior that spread aids. The claim he made fun of *all* gays, or *all* aids victims is entirely out of context and fitting some twisted narrative

2021-02-19 00:43:19 UTC  

aren't the cigarettes the ones that are bad for you

2021-02-19 00:43:25 UTC  


2021-02-19 00:43:31 UTC  

or is that both

2021-02-19 00:43:33 UTC  

soooo.... he said a true thing and now he's bad?

2021-02-19 00:43:37 UTC  

Cigars are fine

2021-02-19 00:43:40 UTC  

Cigars are bad just not as bad

2021-02-19 00:43:44 UTC  

Rush also made fun of drug addicts while at the same time was addicted to drugs

2021-02-19 00:43:45 UTC  

Ur not meant to inhale them

2021-02-19 00:44:19 UTC  

At a time when there were notices going out saying how it was spreading, and those notices were being ignored, he mocked those, just as anyone would mock any other darwin award winner

2021-02-19 00:44:32 UTC  

But yeah from smoking for like 50 years my uncle had brittle bones, skin more fragile than tissue paper, poor circulation, and bad lungs

2021-02-19 00:44:38 UTC  

Complete wreck

2021-02-19 00:44:57 UTC  

Or offer one to Monica

2021-02-19 00:45:09 UTC  

My grandma died from lung cancer, cause being cigarettes

2021-02-19 00:45:22 UTC  

My uncle died from heart failure

2021-02-19 00:45:38 UTC  


2021-02-19 00:46:06 UTC  

Am I allowed to put election predictions in here or

2021-02-19 00:46:06 UTC  

It’s weird like even tho we’ve known him our whole life, we weren’t super emotional about it cuz we were just watching him die as long as we knew him

2021-02-19 00:46:24 UTC  

😬 <:RealGun:766290101033500704>

2021-02-19 00:46:38 UTC  

I liked my grandma but didn't feel anything about her death

2021-02-19 00:46:48 UTC  

Weird how death works

2021-02-19 00:47:26 UTC  

My great aunt also died that year

2021-02-19 00:47:32 UTC  

But that was very hard to take

2021-02-19 00:47:44 UTC  

She was always around and took care of us a lot