Message from @Ilkin76

Discord ID: 812806040479203338

2021-02-20 21:50:23 UTC  

The USA is almost impossible to invade

2021-02-20 21:50:26 UTC  

rofl the #blackqueen meme... if people knew the actual story where california came from

2021-02-20 21:50:58 UTC  

iguess it's only fitting bc the story was a meme in its day

2021-02-20 21:51:12 UTC  

miniature man eating giraffes...

2021-02-20 21:51:19 UTC  

if russia is allies herself with turkey and iran against israel, then the game has just widened right? then its

2021-02-20 21:51:21 UTC  

@nadrud you know my username is satire right?

2021-02-20 21:51:27 UTC  


2021-02-20 21:51:34 UTC lmao stonetoss literally being holocaust denial level

2021-02-20 21:51:40 UTC  

i just forgot about the whole #blackqueen meme

2021-02-20 21:51:45 UTC  

it was a good day until now

2021-02-20 21:52:13 UTC  

Your welcome

2021-02-20 21:52:18 UTC  


2021-02-20 21:52:36 UTC  

let us not be decieved by asssuming amerca is Gods country, with respect to his plans and will. its israel thats always been the the timeline.

2021-02-20 21:52:37 UTC  


2021-02-20 21:53:04 UTC  

say what

2021-02-20 21:53:36 UTC  

i dont fully understand this

2021-02-20 21:57:20 UTC  
2021-02-20 21:58:38 UTC  

What do you all think if this? On one hand, I don't care for sexualized characters but on the other hand, I don't care for the people whining about it.

2021-02-20 21:59:26 UTC  

Also, is this the right channel to post this?

2021-02-20 21:59:55 UTC  

the nation and ppl of israel has always been the contention of why non believers have hated the jews. even b4 the state of israel was formed. what i mean is this. theres a reason why, even from b4 its establishment in 1948, which is seen as fulfillment of biblical prophecy, there has been this overt hatred for the jewish ppl (anti-semite/jewry that stretches back thousands of yrs. yet not to be confused with the jews in an of themselves, but because of God who in calling of Abraham (and isaac and jacob) there has always been this tension, because of God. (im speaking from a biblical/historical perspective

2021-02-20 22:01:01 UTC  

children are watching this, whats the logical outcome of such propagander or indoctrination?

2021-02-20 22:01:22 UTC  

I'm a non believer and I don't hate jews. I don't understand why anyone might

2021-02-20 22:02:27 UTC  

who ya voting for the 2024 election? 🥵 OBAMNA🥵 or 🥶 SODAAAAAAA🥶

2021-02-20 22:02:47 UTC  

What? Did I do something wrong?

2021-02-20 22:02:59 UTC  

Need me to delete it?

2021-02-20 22:03:18 UTC  
2021-02-20 22:03:59 UTC  
2021-02-20 22:04:30 UTC  


2021-02-20 22:06:12 UTC  

true, but ppl do, and they can equalily justify their position also. fundamentally, the hatred isnt arbitrary, as we see it even today as Christians are the most persecuted ppl on the face of the earth. notice, how there isnt a "christophobe" in the west, yet there is islamophobe (and how that is linked to the anti semitism thats been aparent in europe for a long time. its just trickling over into other parts of europe. yet no one in the west is concerned for the christians in majority islamic countries. its not a politcal view in adhereing too, but a theological view

2021-02-20 22:06:13 UTC  

It's looking good for 🥵 OBAMNA🥵 gaining a foothold in georgia michigan and wisconsin

2021-02-20 22:06:17 UTC  

but wait!

2021-02-20 22:06:21 UTC  

what's that!

2021-02-20 22:06:38 UTC  


2021-02-20 22:06:49 UTC  


2021-02-20 22:06:55 UTC  


2021-02-20 22:06:58 UTC  

@UN Global Occult Coalition chill with the all caps

2021-02-20 22:06:59 UTC  

Baron you okay?

2021-02-20 22:07:03 UTC  

i dont see then need, i just interpreted ur post as a question. not a statement 🙂

2021-02-20 22:07:23 UTC  

oh no . . .

2021-02-20 22:07:32 UTC  

there comes a mysterious new foe

2021-02-20 22:07:38 UTC  
