Message from @Amogus

Discord ID: 816792456334934036

2021-03-03 21:54:23 UTC  

thats badass

2021-03-03 21:55:02 UTC  

ikr lol

2021-03-03 21:56:16 UTC  

even though nazis and all, those uniforms be lookin sharp

2021-03-03 21:57:17 UTC  

me and the boys on the way to siege down Pavlo's house

2021-03-03 21:57:31 UTC  

Is info wars far right

2021-03-03 21:57:35 UTC  

I agree

2021-03-03 21:57:47 UTC  

I think so yes

2021-03-03 21:58:01 UTC  

Not very "novel" ideas on womens rights so to speak

2021-03-03 21:58:11 UTC  

It’s not far right

2021-03-03 21:58:14 UTC  

Not even close

2021-03-03 21:58:38 UTC  

Lol, info wars literally defending legalized wife beating in russia

2021-03-03 21:58:58 UTC  

to the extent of literal murder

2021-03-03 21:59:48 UTC  

And Biden defended genocide in China as a cultural norm yet some people still call him a “moderate”

2021-03-03 22:00:23 UTC  

Since when did he defend genocide in china lol, also what does Biden have to so with anything?

2021-03-03 22:00:37 UTC  

He defended it in a town hall on CNN

2021-03-03 22:00:38 UTC  

If he really did (which I highly doubt) so what, that just makes him one

2021-03-03 22:00:40 UTC  


2021-03-03 22:00:45 UTC  

Look up the clip

2021-03-03 22:00:50 UTC  

I was never banned, stop being bitchy

2021-03-03 22:01:32 UTC  

the only thing that pops up is him cracking down on china, link it

2021-03-03 22:01:36 UTC  

about what I ask?

2021-03-03 22:01:46 UTC  

link or didnt happen

2021-03-03 22:03:23 UTC

2021-03-03 22:03:33 UTC  

tell me what warn are you moaning about?

2021-03-03 22:03:55 UTC  

Or you just moan about everything because thats the only impression Im getting from you

2021-03-03 22:04:56 UTC  

Lol no I told people 40 times. The 2 times I did I was comparing it to the csa flag. The 3rd time I was tlaking about a literal military ww2 sim

2021-03-03 22:04:56 UTC  

Yo guys

2021-03-03 22:05:14 UTC  

Imagine being such a loser that you get upset that people want authenticity in a ww2 game

2021-03-03 22:05:19 UTC  

I have a question because it's been floating around alot

2021-03-03 22:05:41 UTC  

Did Rush Limbaugh actually do a segment celebrating aids victims?

2021-03-03 22:06:00 UTC  

I guess I couldve put it more clearly that the way I showed it off (which was on a british tank plastered on the back) was for demonstration purposes

2021-03-03 22:06:06 UTC  

Because tbh I don't trust 90% of the twitter lunatics who wish death on him

2021-03-03 22:06:37 UTC  

It was a honost mistake/miscalculation on my part that I forgot that some people arent familiar with the sim and the concept (that they could take it to mean something else), so stop moaning and bitching

2021-03-03 22:06:48 UTC  

what happened

2021-03-03 22:07:49 UTC  

I never watched him so idk if he ever made a segment where he celebrates the death of those with that sti

2021-03-03 22:08:40 UTC  

legitimately, your moaning and groaning about this so much that i think someone's sucking you off from under your table.

2021-03-03 22:14:52 UTC  


2021-03-03 22:15:15 UTC  

Dude, I think I remember when that was from. I think I was talking about, shit what was it? I forgot, but all the times I talked about stuff I was being chill until some d bag starts bichin about some thing toward me. So im sorry if I want to defend my character.

2021-03-03 22:15:17 UTC  


2021-03-03 22:15:27 UTC  

He typed a speech

2021-03-03 22:15:42 UTC  

he's passionate about himself