Message from @Gene.

Discord ID: 817695655433732097

2021-03-06 09:31:18 UTC  

Ireland, is so chaotic when it comes to politics.

2021-03-06 09:31:36 UTC  

Thought, the British were more.. "restrained" when it came to them compared to your country.

2021-03-06 09:31:44 UTC  

Canadians, Australians and even Americans saw themselves as Anglos and British citizens bound to the homeland

2021-03-06 09:32:19 UTC  

And the Indian people did not want Queen Victoria as their empress

2021-03-06 09:32:52 UTC  

PM is selected by the lok

2021-03-06 09:33:02 UTC  

but he does not hold absolute power

2021-03-06 09:33:10 UTC  

like a king or something

2021-03-06 09:33:32 UTC  

To be fair, the king or queen does not hold that power.

2021-03-06 09:33:44 UTC  

like, just citing an example

2021-03-06 09:33:47 UTC  

The army is in their name, but you know in civil war they would stand with parliment

2021-03-06 09:34:19 UTC  

Oh yeah absolutely, Britain itself was an immensely liberal nation, championed the birth of rights and freedom yet it rarely extended such beliefs directly to the colonies, mainly those which weren't anglo

2021-03-06 09:34:20 UTC  

But yes, He is no Supreme Chancellor

2021-03-06 09:39:09 UTC  

"Treat any locals you find with respect. endeavor by all proper means to cultivate a friendship with them. Making them present of such trinkets as you may have on board, and they may like best. inviting them to traffic (Trade) and showing them every type of civility and regard." - King Georges' orders to captain James Cook.

2021-03-06 09:39:49 UTC  

King George was not Evil, Nether was General George Washington. They were people who were on a different sides in a war.

2021-03-06 09:44:30 UTC  

That can't really stand in the American mythos though

2021-03-06 09:44:55 UTC  


2021-03-06 09:46:30 UTC  

Like a recurring narrative theme

2021-03-06 09:46:35 UTC  


2021-03-06 09:46:45 UTC  

Yes, War has lots of propaganda.

2021-03-06 09:47:01 UTC  

The American war of independence was not different.

2021-03-06 09:50:36 UTC  

Many of the American loyalist after the War of Independence fled to Kingston (The "Kings town")

2021-03-06 09:53:05 UTC  

Canada and the royals go back a while, Adolphustown, Alfred, Cumberland, Cornwall, Guelph, East york. (All places named in the honor of a royal family member.

2021-03-06 09:53:38 UTC  

At least 18 towns in total have royal names in Ontario.

2021-03-06 10:48:03 UTC  

```Please be sure to read the announcements. There are rules there that must be followed. Do not impersonate the bot.```

2021-03-06 11:45:41 UTC

2021-03-06 11:54:45 UTC  

Well this is beyond dead

2021-03-06 12:00:54 UTC  


2021-03-06 12:04:40 UTC  

You know one LEO I heavily respect?

Sheriff Grady Judd. I'm not even American, but he is a great cop and a great sheriff.

2021-03-06 12:10:16 UTC  

Quahog news channel 5 - Is this the work or a serial arsonist, the police say no, our producer say yes.

2021-03-06 12:48:02 UTC  

```Please be sure to read the announcements. There are rules there that must be followed. Do not impersonate the bot.```

2021-03-06 13:38:51 UTC  

<:salut:730846445732888630> = Salut did they do this on purpose

2021-03-06 13:39:04 UTC  

I think not.

2021-03-06 14:07:19 UTC  


2021-03-06 14:08:04 UTC  

Guess no ones online

2021-03-06 14:08:39 UTC  

Nope. No one is online. Or they are all hiding. šŸ™‚

2021-03-06 14:08:47 UTC  


2021-03-06 14:09:23 UTC  

Well i have shitposting to do

2021-03-06 14:09:33 UTC  

Bring it elsewhere.

2021-03-06 14:12:22 UTC  

I am up

2021-03-06 14:12:32 UTC  

Oh no Iā€™m am

2021-03-06 14:12:36 UTC  

Hiding from who uwu