Message from @Mcgoober

Discord ID: 819386037909717003

2021-03-11 01:42:35 UTC  

ah okay

2021-03-11 01:42:57 UTC  


2021-03-11 01:43:06 UTC  


2021-03-11 01:43:08 UTC  

If its one thing I hate its enthusiasm

2021-03-11 01:43:29 UTC  

You are tempting my inner demons right about now.

2021-03-11 01:43:45 UTC  

Is the ccp doing the same or nah

2021-03-11 01:43:51 UTC  


2021-03-11 01:44:28 UTC  

indeed, indeed

2021-03-11 01:44:48 UTC  

I'll be honest its one of the reasons of British people and Americans dont get along, Americans are far too enthusiastic in things and British people don't like that

2021-03-11 01:45:15 UTC  

kinda. they've been sending CCP-sympathetic people here to buy out property, land, real estate, businesses, natural resources, as sleeper agents so that when the CCP pulls the strings, they can send the goods back to china. at the start of the pandemic, there was a massive shortage of PPE (masks, sanitiser) in australia, and there were warehouses and shipping containers full of enough masks to provide every citizen one per day for a year

2021-03-11 01:45:36 UTC  

If I go into a subway and the persons like "Hi how are ya!", I just don't like that

2021-03-11 01:45:53 UTC  

You're working minimum wage in a pedophiles sandwich shop, be depressed

2021-03-11 01:45:54 UTC  

say ''im bob''

2021-03-11 01:45:57 UTC  

I see. So just like Canada

2021-03-11 01:46:25 UTC  

We have a tendancy to think with our dicks. It's a lot of the reason we succeed at so much. The dick is the ultimate motivational speaker.

"You can do it!"
{Doesn't work out}
"Eh, I thought it would be worth a shot, what'r you gonna do?"

2021-03-11 01:46:26 UTC  

What if it's a neighborhood in like a suburb?

2021-03-11 01:46:45 UTC  

i would rather live in a country that's seen as "america's whipping boy", than one that kow-tows to the CCP.

2021-03-11 01:46:56 UTC  

I just dont want a fucking conversation with everyone in the world

2021-03-11 01:47:00 UTC  

Its sickening

2021-03-11 01:47:29 UTC  

no this is a very culturally British thing

2021-03-11 01:47:34 UTC  

I talk to literally everyone i possibly can

2021-03-11 01:47:35 UTC  

once he realises that humans are bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling

2021-03-11 01:47:36 UTC  

We don't want to talk to people

2021-03-11 01:47:39 UTC  

Oh, that's what you mean by enthusiasm? Sorry, I did not define it that way.

2021-03-11 01:47:45 UTC  

Every single person

2021-03-11 01:47:51 UTC  

My parents considering Australia before. They are pro ccp so idk what happened

2021-03-11 01:48:06 UTC  

We have developed a single word which we use to have a conversation

2021-03-11 01:48:27 UTC  

hey hey hey

2021-03-11 01:48:29 UTC  

That way you just pass someone for a second and dont talk to them for 15 minutes

2021-03-11 01:48:31 UTC  


2021-03-11 01:48:32 UTC  

they probably got scared by the Global Times telling the CCP-faithful that "Australia is a racist country"

2021-03-11 01:48:45 UTC  

That's fine, nothing wrong with that.

2021-03-11 01:49:08 UTC  

I thought you meant literal enthusiasm. Like, a can-do attitude.

2021-03-11 01:49:20 UTC  

I doubt that's true. Never been there but

2021-03-11 01:49:21 UTC  

I dont like that either

2021-03-11 01:49:31 UTC  

i think they meant excessive friendliness and familiarity

2021-03-11 01:49:36 UTC  

I hate it when people are confident

2021-03-11 01:49:53 UTC  

That's a hell of a way to ensure nothing gets done.

2021-03-11 01:50:00 UTC  

Canada might've been easier since it's cheaper? They wanted to go to Vancouver but it's too expensive from the rich Chinese buying property

2021-03-11 01:50:17 UTC  

nah, it's not any more racist than any other country. the CCP like to play the victim when we criticize their trade embargoes and the handling of the pandemic, by calling us "racist". like the SJWs do

2021-03-11 01:50:28 UTC  

"Wanna move that for me?"
"I don't think I can."
"This is america, just fucking do it, man."