Message from @Ekulgar (Santa Believer)
Discord ID: 798090084846534657
"assault rifle"
all gun laws are infringement
It’s a sad, sad world
i only watch channels that have a bias towards lib right sorry
And floppy anime titties
Hey guys
Wouldn’t anti-authoritarianism be better than anti-communism since anti-communism is right unity?
Anti-communism is a subset of anti-authoritarianism as far as I'm concerned
Additionally I would rather state an active pro-liberty position rather than simply being anti-authoritarianism
No because the political compass is total bullshit
So... any takers as to when we’re getting purged?
discord isnt that big so who knows when plus they still dont know how to make money. they are more likely go bankrupt before they get rid of all right wing people
im not kidding they are not making money
well not enough
they should be making a shiton out of nitro simps
i dont think discord is going bankrupt
discord makes alot of money
everyone should litsen to michael parenti's lectures they are pretty good and its free to watch it on youtube
Monke Time
But you can own this lol
God damn these times are depressing
based TIK wants to move to Liberland :trollpepe:
chetniks are poo
my family during the war had to hide and during a raid in their village by the chetniks they had to stay silent or else they could hear them and god knows what they would do to a bosniak muslim family
my great grandmother had hold her hand on my grandfather (who was only a baby at the time) so he could stay silent he almost died from not breathing
thank god everyone survived
the ustase also tried to kill my family
thats why my great grandfather joined the communist partisans