
Discord ID: 178746569137324033

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I heard accounts that speak poorly of furries and cub porn and sometimes pedo's can get banned after complaints

Turns out quite a few people deeply involved with discord also have peculiar sexual tendencies

People complaining about pedos, furries and cub porn get banned by discord and discord mods etc. Well, that was a story doing the rounds for a while anyway.

I have seen the discussions that lead to some of those bans, and this was indeed the case for those discussions that the people objecting to pedos, furries etc were banned

But not the furries and pedos

Somehow, the term MAP (Minor Attracted Person) is gaining grounds over "pedo"

Well, to be technically correct: pedophilia isn't a crime, child molesting and other actions taken on pedo urges are.

Same with how thinking about murder isn't a crime, but murdering is a crime

Anti-communism is a subset of anti-authoritarianism as far as I'm concerned

Additionally I would rather state an active pro-liberty position rather than simply being anti-authoritarianism

Most people voted for Trump, but Biden got the greater count.

Which is a nice way to say fraud

I sure hope so

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