Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 783950372946444298

2020-12-03 02:38:52 UTC  

Most of reddit?

2020-12-03 02:39:01 UTC  

Most of the media biases?

2020-12-03 02:39:01 UTC  


2020-12-03 02:39:43 UTC  

most of the criticisms I've seen are fair.

2020-12-03 02:40:53 UTC  

just my experience tho, interested about yours

2020-12-03 02:41:01 UTC  

fair on what grounds? What msm are saying “here’s why the obama administration totally destroyed the social mobility of the US and at the same time hurt it’s economy”

2020-12-03 02:43:09 UTC  

what does that have to do with capitalism and its benefits/defects? That's a liberal( call him a socialist if you want I don't give a shit) who was elected and fucked stuff up.

2020-12-03 02:44:06 UTC  

And created policies that were against free market

2020-12-03 03:25:50 UTC  

wanna vc debate tommorow on politicord?

2020-12-03 03:30:23 UTC  

hmm, idk 7 or 8 pm

2020-12-03 04:00:15 UTC  


2020-12-03 05:06:05 UTC  

what is this fake news?

2020-12-03 05:18:34 UTC  

How did Richard Wolf get so popular? This guy sounds like a goddamn moron.

2020-12-03 05:29:20 UTC  

Helo guys

2020-12-03 05:31:07 UTC  

I dont have minimum wage

2020-12-03 05:33:20 UTC  

and im glad china does not have minimum wage cuz its capitalist bullshit😂 me love me china

2020-12-03 05:41:38 UTC  

LOLL capitalist destroyed

2020-12-03 05:41:43 UTC  

ccp win

2020-12-03 05:41:51 UTC  

im so based

2020-12-03 06:58:54 UTC  

'Imagine, in the case of the wronged millionaire, that he was still raising his two children under the illusion that they were his. Would he be better off? Almost certainly. Would they? Of course. With DNA testing, scientific certainty has replaced psychic insecurity and we're all the worse for it.'

Lol according to this creature men should live a lie and if you have any objections to putting in 18+ years of money and time into something based on a lie then yu are insecure. I just hope this 'person' has no children.

2020-12-03 08:11:31 UTC

2020-12-03 08:35:32 UTC  

Discord for some reason thinks a man without a shirt is porn and it won’t let me upload it

2020-12-03 08:48:44 UTC  


2020-12-03 08:49:27 UTC  

“censored” version

2020-12-03 08:50:49 UTC

2020-12-03 13:50:34 UTC  

communist parties never dissolve and make their society stateless. they always hold onto the power because nobody can tell them they cant. thats whats happening in china and NK. they're not actually communist, infact china has a fascist economy

2020-12-03 14:37:58 UTC  

China has some poes in their economy

2020-12-03 14:38:39 UTC  

And in the future are expecting to continue at privatizing their soes

2020-12-03 14:57:25 UTC  


2020-12-03 15:47:23 UTC  


2020-12-03 15:47:26 UTC  


2020-12-03 15:47:32 UTC  


2020-12-03 15:47:41 UTC  

why can you do that tho

2020-12-03 15:47:42 UTC  

Commie mad lol

2020-12-03 15:47:47 UTC  


2020-12-03 15:47:47 UTC  

this is retarded

2020-12-03 15:47:58 UTC  

can someone just disable it

2020-12-03 15:47:59 UTC  

damn she’s kinda stupid

2020-12-03 15:48:04 UTC  


2020-12-03 15:48:15 UTC  
