
Discord ID: 676236614250528769

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I hope he pulls out a W and we do get a second term

Not much just having fun yelling Bread Tubers to find a rope and lynch themselves.

Hahahaha you see Ethan get into a twitter fight with Atheism Is Unstoppable?

I couldnโ€™t tell which one was more autistic.

How did Richard Wolf get so popular? This guy sounds like a goddamn moron.

Hahahahahaha some random white knight commie sent me a message about calling his so called girlfriend mean names about being a post modernist here.



Iโ€™ve noticed Chapocels are everywhere on this channel

Wavahahahaha Jesus Gretchen Whitmer is such a cunt

I got into with a Zizekcel on Facebook about the Chilean economy being one of the best economies of the 50 years.

My friends are absolutely retarded. These same people joined in rioting over the summer because of a few crackheads being killed. Yet this is the best they got?

Yes it is itโ€™s full of woke Dems

Yeah I lean Lib-Right.

I just cannot back Trump supporters when idealistically they tell me Iโ€™m a cuck for being a Libertarian.

Bernieโ€™s supporters will always be worse.

This one dude in my Facebook feed who calls himself a hardcore right winger and not a Republican. Always goes after Libertarians, and says we are basement dwellers.

His hot takes are as if heโ€™s a right wing Bernie guy.

Yes I can send screen shots.

This dude even defends Bernie supporters.

He reads Jordan Peterson books and has a weird psychology view on them.

He never read a single thing on economics ever.

This is the type of shit I see in my newsfeed a lot.

Yesterday he made a rant about Facebook which by all means fuck Zucc. Iโ€™ve caught too many bans.

Trumps people are convinced heโ€™s Libertarian

My entire Facebook feed is nothing but...about big brother. Yet these motherfuckers never bothered listening to Snowden or Ron Paul 8 years ago.

These people mind you were Clinton supporters 5 years ago.

Why are these people going on full scale rants about being censored?

Havenโ€™t they seen whatโ€™s been happening to us the last 10 or so years?

Same here

I agree with them a lot and Iโ€™ve caught more 30 day bans for my memes.

Theyโ€™re very right in the situation. The left celebrating it enraged me.

Yeah, exactly and theyโ€™d start peeing on themselves.

They backed the cops in that riot. Lol

Yeah, thatโ€™s the thing that pisses me off.

They believe Libertarians are Thin Blue Line bootlickers.

They also go on rants about gays adopting kids.

One guy in my newsfeed went to Charlottesville.

They do they think itโ€™s anti western values.

They accuse everyone of Pedophilia(in which I think pedos should get a helicopter ride).

They love to hate Jews

Iโ€™m in a Telegram group where this one dude who served in Iraq and born to a Jewish mom. Keeps sharing William Luther Pierce bills.


They use the term (((Khazar Milkers)))

How long will the Ethnonats last?

Itโ€™s just as bad as being a Tankie.

Iโ€™m in a Telegram group where they share George Lincoln Rockwell books. I share a Thomas Sowell book? Guess what I get called.

Yeah I knew one dude, who wore a sonanrad neckless that told me Nick Fuentes was smart.

He and this Tankie idiot use to go at it often. Whenever Iโ€™d come around theyโ€™d try and team up against me and lose lol.

Tankie are not people.

I met a Tankie/Prog/Activist who worked for AOC. Letโ€™s just say he was very unhinged.

Oh now my newsfeed is full of body transformation photos.

โ€œI cUt oUt fAst FoOd aNd cIgs! NoW iTs wHolE fOoDs aNd VapEs!โ€ Bro go to a gym.

LOL!!! Ya some random prog on facebooks thinks Iโ€™m in Qnon

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