Message from @sage

Discord ID: 798940671200985088

2021-01-13 04:26:38 UTC

2021-01-13 05:41:22 UTC  

@MurrayRothbard Hey! Big fan

2021-01-13 09:41:13 UTC

2021-01-13 13:14:36 UTC  

eyo sup

2021-01-13 13:47:23 UTC  

are most people here from USA, im guessing?

2021-01-13 13:47:28 UTC  

seems pretty dead

2021-01-13 14:43:19 UTC  


2021-01-13 14:53:50 UTC  

wheres people from here

2021-01-13 14:54:07 UTC  

I am from Bosnia

2021-01-13 14:54:15 UTC  


2021-01-13 14:54:17 UTC  


2021-01-13 14:54:24 UTC  


2021-01-13 15:43:03 UTC  


2021-01-13 15:43:14 UTC  

im from europe's mexico as americans would say

2021-01-13 15:43:56 UTC  

its a shame it was fascists instead of conservative

2021-01-13 15:44:04 UTC  

he engaged in autarky and anticapitalism

2021-01-13 15:44:07 UTC  

lots of poverty

2021-01-13 15:44:24 UTC  

people dont realize just how anticapitalist fascism really is as an ideology

2021-01-13 15:44:26 UTC  


2021-01-13 15:44:52 UTC  

fascism isnt just "hurr authoritarian nationalism" it hates capitalism just as much as communism

2021-01-13 15:44:59 UTC  

the economy only improved since the 60's

2021-01-13 15:45:03 UTC  

when he actually let others run the country

2021-01-13 15:45:05 UTC  

it wasnt "him"

2021-01-13 15:45:09 UTC  

he was a military man, not an economist

2021-01-13 15:45:15 UTC  

he was running spain like barracks so to speak

2021-01-13 15:45:47 UTC  

when you go from economic isolation to a more open status of course you have some growth

2021-01-13 15:45:56 UTC  

its like shooting yourself in the foot only to say your health is becomign better when you're healing

2021-01-13 15:46:32 UTC  

Giving so much power to unions and to the Falangists was the worst thing ever, we still have a lot of welfare and legislation from the Franco era because of that

2021-01-13 15:46:51 UTC  

but still, during franco people didnt even "do their taxes", it was all 100% indirect taxation, thats one good thing

2021-01-13 15:46:56 UTC  


2021-01-13 15:47:11 UTC  


2021-01-13 15:47:46 UTC  

i have some franco memes i think

2021-01-13 15:52:10 UTC  

orwell at least was consistent enough to denounce the stalinist's evil ways

2021-01-13 15:52:17 UTC  

so much leftist infighting in Spain

2021-01-13 15:52:25 UTC  

stalinists tortured to death the leader of the POUM marxist party

2021-01-13 19:13:52 UTC  

<@792985449743384607> r u retarded

2021-01-13 19:14:11 UTC  

Both fascism and communism are shit

2021-01-13 19:19:41 UTC  


2021-01-13 19:19:46 UTC  

Both suck

2021-01-13 19:39:22 UTC  

racist manchild

2021-01-13 21:47:52 UTC  

tiny hat?