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Hi,I hope nobody notices us so we don't get banned

If we get mass reported or 3rd positionists show up its a possibility

Yep,pretty much socialists/progressives that choose the side of white people

No better than commies

I'm a libertarian pretty much,don't agree with every part of it but its extremely close to my beliefs


Yeah but they're a minority of libertarian right,most agree that police shouldn't be private for ex.

I don't like modern conservativism,not religious,spiritual yeah but not religious,and neocons only care about the economy they're pretty much religious libertarians

Nobody likes them


Trump is closer to right wing populism that neoconservativism,but even that doesn't properly describe him

I don't,most populists arent like Trump

People like Orban and Chavez ruin their countries while using something like migration of "discrimination of minorities" or American imperialism to blame it on while benefiting themselves and their friends

Trump is different,I like the guy,plus I really don't want Biden to win even thk I live outside of US

AfD seems more like a movement,haven't seen their leader

If Biden wins we're entering the EU and becoming a colony,sorry I don't wanna work in IKEA or Lidl


We have a right wing populist party but they're not that big politics here aren't about things that matter but about things that dont

Bosnia where we talk about same stuff that doesnt matter for 25 years while accepting migrants and have 3 presidents


Here about half the pop is Muslim Bosniaks,around 1/3 are Serbs and the rest are mostly Croats,and we argue with each other instead of working together to fix the country

Around 5 or 6 parties,which are either national conservatives or social democrats have over 99% of the power

At every level

From local communities to state

And yes true the languages are pretty much same,some cultural differences and a lot in common like rakija for ex.

We love us some rakija,including the Bosniak muslims

Muslims used to eat pork when Yugoslavia was around then the war broke out and everyone stopped

One guy I know switched the writing system when the war broke out

Yeah pretty much,Slovenes and Macedonians for out early

NATO did everything wrong possible

Arms embargos just helped the Serb side,then they bombed the Serbs

Well,you could have just not embargoed us and there would be no genocide

Then they helped naroterrorists get a state,one that still supplies Europe with drugs

Yeah Serbs killed a lot of people just because they had lots of guns,if we had more guns our side would kill a lot more people too

Croats kicked the Serbs out and...nothing,the generals and President that did it were trialed and declared guilty long after most of them died from natural causes

Now my hopes are go to collage and then Switzerland or if I fail at that join the French Foreign Legion and become a mercenary in Yemen or something

Cool,I plan to move abroad for a few years come back find an unexplored market,lots of those here,start a business

Its hard to do business here but there are a lot of unexplored markets here and I am a citizen so I can do things like open bank accounts etc..

Corrupt system but stable enough to work around it

I do too but it depends on who will win the election


Polls get things wrong often,he won't win,if he tries anything shady the supreme court is in the right hands,litteraly lol


Mail vote takes time to count

Expect civil unrest between the election and then

Idk if they can do that,there is probably a good system to check for that kind of thing

Its not like Bosnia where 25 years after u died you still officially vote

Switzerland is pretty safe,libertarian,gun friendly


Only problem is its expensive as hell


Especially if you work as say...cybersec expert at a big bank

Bosnia actually has a lot,from the war of course they destroyed a lot of guns but still there are a lot around

Our mobsters sold like 200K to Iraq

There are still some being sold in countries like France

A majority of ur guns come from Europe,like glock,walter etc...

Oh yeah AK is technically European too

I can't get a gun legally even when I get 21,but I can obtain one if you know what I mean

In Switzerland Bosnians and Serbs are forbiden from owning guns too,for reasons I guess

As well as Turks and a bunch of other people

Probably because of mobsters

> if they did they'd all carry over there domestic conflicts
@BorisSlavSuperstar doubt it,I think its more about mobsters than anything

Ukraine awesome!Go Ukraine!

Yeah,Ukraine has been fucked over by Russia for a long while

Putin is a geopolitical thinker,there is no ideology he represents really,he only tries to further his own goals

Don't let anyone fool you,he isn't on your side


@BorisSlavSuperstar how much influence do Russian media pundits have in Germany?

I went to eat I am so hungry all the time I'm gonna get fat
Maybe I should go to North Korea won't get fat there

Here we have pro Russian media pundits and popular politicians and internet people,they think Putin is on their side lol

They have a lot of influence,but really all the countries are trying to get into EU and NATO despite russophiles having power

Me neither

Well NATO is there to counter hostiles and for military cooperation but it should be reformed,as for EU well the EU can burn

I think western countries and the "Free World" in general should cooperate,I also think Russia is a hostile power but also a potential ally

Instead of Putin having to find warm ports,EU sanctioning Russia etc etc.. why not work with him,Russia has a lot of resources,manpower,and EU and US have money,you may say its a dictatorship but so is Saudi Arabia,the Emirates,China,Qatar,Kuwait

Russia can be contained,you can embargo Russia easly,can't do that with China,China has pretty much everything it needs in its borders

2020-11-03 19:20:37 UTC [Anti-Communist Action #💥memes]  

Lol 😂😂😂😂😂😂

2020-11-03 19:27:52 UTC [Anti-Communist Action #💥memes]  

Makes me think of this


2020-11-03 19:30:15 UTC [Anti-Communist Action #💥memes]  



Trump,don't wanna be colonized by EU sorry

Im not American

EU is a union of states in Europe that has a huge beurocracy,ruled by an unlected commision,attempting to undermine US while claiming to be their ally!Remind you of someone?They are trying to get an army for gods sakes.America don't trust them

Look the EU parliament the elected army have no real power

A parliament that can't even propose its own laws come on

And voting,I mean they get payed by the commission,nothing shady there

Lol tell that to Greek central bank when they had a crisis

Wait until you have a crisis



Brexit + Covid Biden locodown possibly

A simmilar international...not union more like a trade and visa free travel deal

Free travel between countries leads to what is happening in France and Austria

Not seeing that in Hungary,for all the corruption of Orban,he did one thing right,the EU wanted those people in,Merkel wanted those people in,the people weren't even asked

And Free Travel between EU countries damages the poor economies as well as the poor people in the richer countries like Germany and Sweden

Ur gonna get a massive loss of manpower and a brain drain,they're gonna loose jobs to people willing to work more for less money

And another thing,tell me who owns the companies you pay your bills to?Its most likely gonna be the Germans,Austrians,French etc...

At the very least the internet

So were we,plus we had a war,but I still pay my bills to our domestic companies,I go to our supermarkets,not Lidl or Merkator


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