Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 803652328770371614
Ya cus it's entertaining
I wish I can get sojacked
whats entertaining about it
@oistoy keep VC alive I will join as soon as I take some honey to fix my voice
u sucked too much dick lmaooo
Ill vc during lunch
Gonna hold the post for now
@Deleted User join VC and say that to my face
just realised you're woland, the woland from twitter
im tired
ya the one and only
dr woland
woland aren't you a gypsy
or an eastern european or whatev
@Deleted User but who else is funny in this VC
You expect me to bounce with the Dutch ????
@Deleted User this isn't good gang
im perfectly aware of that woland
but im in bed
u didnt help us out 1635 and i wont do it now
@Deleted User we helped you in 1848
Also Serbian Friekoprs
I'm the federal agent
I'm not here to talk
just to listen
I'm pretty hot tbh
1. I will not be insulted by a Southern "slav"
and 2. I'm too lazy to set up my mic
South slavs
Are half med.