Message from @Erlik ᚯ
Discord ID: 804697696795361311
Some "serbs" look like fucking brown skinned turk monkeys
I would put a blue eyed afghani over that
Dont let him bully you over hoi4 lmao
YOur just playing into his game
Of bullying you into being a Serb supremecist
And 4 billion Chinks
Aryanized for the win
Its ironic that your picture is a Germanized Russian
im eating and then working nigga
Wagie lol
In school and dont have headphones
>not blasting internet autists saying the n word at full blast
@РАУЛЬ☭🇸🇾 بدك تمص زبي يا منوب
اه ايري كبير 😩
اه دادي
ايوا ناديني دادي يا كلب
مص ايري
تلحس ايري بشتهي
خرا دمشقي
تحكي متل الشاذ (لبنان)
At club.
Dont yell nWord
Arabic very good yes yes
Thats not how all lebos say lol
You dont even know how to speak arabic to say what lebos or damascenes speak