Message from @ToaWarrior1488
Discord ID: 808458220540133456
No before
What’s wolands politics?
>debates Woland for an hour
>doesn't know his politics
He changes his name tons
I remember now that that was his a month ago or something
Aristocratic and he still doesn’t have good wifi
I sounded better than you
If Woland sounds better than you... 😬
I was on 3G it’s not hard
3G is marginally worse than Serbian aristocratic Wi-fi
u are literally a decade behind
Blame my area
<@&793519132401729554> big debate
between who and about what?
It seems that every day there's a debate.
bra this nigga eaten chips?
@Erlik ᚯ thank you for your sevice to the youth
@Erlik ᚯ he said he was adopted
they're prolly his adopted parents
why do all slavs like checkers
among us?
Wat do you want from me?
@Sloomy your dead mom is a race mixing bitch and deserved to die!!!!!
your sister's number
What happened
leftist my ass
@everyone @everyone @everyone
@everyone @everyone @everyone
ching chong
u fucks