Message from @Donau
Discord ID: 809137961182167070
Outward groups. As in people outside of your own geography
Why <:tatar:795724834478227506> emoji
Not just minorities in your cuntry
my nation
<:tatar:795724834478227506> <:tatar:795724834478227506> <:tatar:795724834478227506>
@Rapid Steve alright you are somewhat based, carry on
or join VC for bants
being an avatar, is like a messenger or like being god
YOOOOOOO you play vicky2 mp rounds here??
@Blonde Bestie wanna play with us?
yeah when I got more spare time from uni definetly
can u guys hear me?
what the fuck
Is @Donau french
im based
Have you seen the work of De Mahieu?
the anme soudns familiar
thats about it
@Blonde Bestie oh shit?
yeah lpay with us smetime
I will!
idk I read about him some time ago and you seem to know about anthropology
@Jacques de Chan fun game, im done for now
Since he was tied to based people (he was waffen SS)
will do thanks for the suggestion
@Erlik ᚯ link?
His books are in French and Spanish so if you don't know either of those then :/
anerindians used it
it symbolized the sun for them