Message from @akumanozetto
Discord ID: 812394222011023421
circular arguments
"why should we be fascist"
-because we hate socialism
t. mussolini
only because it's based
"Because its based"
"but only because it is based"
it is indeed based
how finnish niggas be rolling up
my 5yo just laught at this
good for him
could they go a whole five minutes without mentioning hitler
is this what political discourse has come to?
Brown eyed Serb arguing for fascism vs blue eyed Brit arguing for libertarian socialism.
the futility of war and failure of complete state control to prevent it has lead states to adopt systems of liberal democracy
this guy
Dont let the guy speak
cant even uphold schopenhauer
Brits are chads. Stfu
I dont even know who they are arguing to
Interrupt him every time he speaks, every syllable, every letter need to be disrupted
no voice to fascists
checks out
you watch this with your kids?
they don't understand a word anyways
Either way, that's pretty based.
daddy, what are they talking about?
-darling, I have no idea
Teach em while there young.
I watch this with my #daughterwife
the big one recently stated that she finds black people ugly"
they do look too manly