Message from @Zyzz
Discord ID: 358816563941605378
@Deleted User Hey thanks for the info on VPN in lessons. Do recommend using if your just cruising TRS, Altright, etc. I'm obviously not doing anything illegal and I this point probably liked my IP to every right wing site out there. Just wondering how concerned one should be. I'm only a semi literate gen Xer.
And I'm only speaking for my personal devices mobile and home. Would never visit DS at work
That's where it gets complicated. BTW I hate that I didn't know you when I lived in TN. Based on what you said in the IE general, we lived very close to each other. Less than a half-mile apart.
My approach is actually kinda controversial. I bareback the internet all the time.
My thinking is that I'm not doing anything illegal. From what I know and understand about data collection and monitoring, using TOR or a VPN would actually draw attention to me.
I highly doubt that visiting Stormer, TRS, or anything like that results in any kind of additional surveillance.
My philosophy is "I have nothing to hide."
With that said, if you choose to bareback you should be very careful about clicking any kind of link. Right now there's a big campaign, especially on Twitter, to dox people via links to Google Docs.
The easiest way to protect yourself is simply to open any suspicious links in a Private Window
these clowns won't be able to do anything with your IP address if you're just looking at a google doc or something basic like that
The only thing you should be careful about is if you're deep in some chan or something like that. You might get baited with cheese pizza.
But even then, VPN is still a double-edged sword because my theory is that using a VPN puts more of a spotlight on you than visiting alt-Right sites. Either way, if ZOG wants to know what you're doing, ZOG will find out.
So I just do everything without VPN.
what do you mean by get baited with cheese pizza?
I'm happy to discuss/debate my point of view, and I could be convinced that my approach is imprudent. @Deleted User
Do you know what cheese pizza is in this context? Please answer using only "yes" or "no" 😃
OK, focus on the first two letters
*C*heese *P*izza
Think about what you *don't* want to have on or anywhere near your computer
There have been cases in the past where it's highly likely that someone was sent a delivery of cheese pizza that they had no intention or desire of receiving
and that was used to nail them
thats fucked up
yeah, no doubt
I actually don't think it's used anymore, but you can't be too careful
There's just so much of it out there nowadays that only true hoarders get busted
People have tried to do it on the chans before though. Usually it was just trolling that got out of hand
someone got mad and that's how they elected to ragequit. Nothing cleans out a chat faster
i see i never got into the chans.. i guess thats a good thing
So if you were someone like Enoch who was totally clean but still a big problem to ZOG, that's one way they might try to take you down.
Me neither. The few times I looked at them I got a crushing headache. the layout is cancer.
People like us would not be targeted in such a fashion though
If I were something more than an IE member and a writer for FtN, I would probably move over to VPN.
do you think there is any risk to us paying dues over paypal?
or even donations to or other orgs like that?
I've always paid my dues via my real name over paypal
and donated to alt-right causes
yeah i do the same
if you're not using BTC, you can easily be traced