Message from @AquaRegia
Discord ID: 796142201263489046
I want to believe
Based Israel
I wonder if this portentious for any future american deployments <:thinkingsuicide:793674864619683840>
Biden says he wants to restore the Iran deal
I wonder if that will go through
fucking biden
what a nobody opportunist
fog brain
Put roles thingy back
what roles thingy
More nig officers
Photo of that California police graduation class with one white guy comes to mind.
Same in argentina
wtf argentina is the last bastion of the white race
Yeah bruh be pro argentina
nice pic thx
dems wom
hope Trump kills himself
just useless tbh. no wall, no nothing.
spat in his demographics face to rim blacks
Hes some NYC cosmopolitan capitalist
You couldnt expect great things
Zion don at it again
Yeah they got all the backlash of Trump being le evil white man without any of the evil white man stuff. absolute robbery.