Message from @epstein worship
Discord ID: 793864068729143296
Please mods....
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But this cums with a price
📩 📫
anyone here knows how to make an american email
What do you mean by American email?
@ihatemyself use
an email based in america
does it count as if its based in america
and does it need a number to confirm im american
cuz im trynna create an american based email while being in sweden for reasons i cannot state
Its based in America but I'm not quite sure what you mean
It's not based in sweden
Clandestine guy
He wants to join awd sweden
i mean that i want to make an email thats american
like for an example i cant make an american gmail while being in sweden
because it gives extra benefits that i really crave
wouldn't you just make an account with a VPN on
i tried
but i need a number
an american number