Message from @alternate
Discord ID: 804462211580821514
i expect a masturbation addiction too
watch the whole thing
why do you think im homo? im as far away from homo as possible
i watched it
why dontchu talk about your masturbation addiction to me?
you would like that wouldn’t you
like what?
be normal
bro isnt it you with a masturbation addiction
how is that normap
if anything id like to dominate mfs
when have ever said that lmfao
i already do
you dont wanna admit it
why dont you admit it @alternate '
admit what
whatever you say, "man"
you're literally black
Banter cuck has two moods. Attempting to be big strong man and being bullied into saying nigger
I havent
Damn cool
Lol nigga
Wow thats not very femboyish
Ok thats all
God I hate my life
Never say you hate life, that's blasphemy
I hate life