Message from @Semaj

Discord ID: 808853614721630249

2021-02-10 00:04:37 UTC  

Its explained clearly

2021-02-10 00:06:35 UTC  

6 None of you shall approach to any that is near of kin to him, to uncover their nakedness: I am the Lord.
7 The nakedness of thy father, or the nakedness of thy mother, shalt thou not uncover: she is thy mother; thou shalt not uncover her nakedness.
8 The nakedness of thy father’s wife shalt thou not uncover: it is thy father’s nakedness.
excluding the prior verses as if the only law is in the 8th verse conceals some of the truth

2021-02-10 00:06:49 UTC  

and it's clear that ham did what is described in verse 7

2021-02-10 00:06:53 UTC  

not verse 8

2021-02-10 00:06:58 UTC  

I admit, it could be verse 8

2021-02-10 00:07:15 UTC  

but don't find much truth to that interpretation

2021-02-10 00:08:02 UTC  

Of course the beastial mediterranid wants to deny the simple truths of the gospel in relation to the curse of canaan

2021-02-10 00:08:40 UTC  

Nigga has Electra complex

2021-02-10 00:08:56 UTC  

u mean oedipus?

2021-02-10 00:09:14 UTC  

electra is for women

2021-02-10 00:09:36 UTC  

Idk his sex nigga

2021-02-10 00:10:38 UTC  

u think there are women here?

2021-02-10 00:10:51 UTC  

“Incidentally the story of the stolen garment as told by the rabbis, including the great Eleazer, calls for an entirely different rendering of the strange story in Genesis [9] from the version in our King James Bible. They seemed to think that the ’erwath of Genesis [9:22] did not mean ‘nakedness’ at all, but should be given its primary root meaning of ‘skin covering.’ Read thus, we are to understand that Ham
took the garment of his father while he was sleeping and showed it to his brethren, Shem and Japheth, who took a pattern or copy of it (salmah) or else a woven garment like it (simlah) which they put upon their own shoulders, returning the skin garment to their father. Upon awaking, Noah recognized the priesthood of two sons but cursed the son who tried to rob him of his garment.” (Lehi in the Desert and the World of Jaredites, pp. 160–62.)
Therefore, although Ham himself had the right to the priesthood, Canaan, his son, did not. Ham had married Egyptus, a descendant of Cain (Abraham 1:21–24), and so his sons were denied the priesthood.” -Hugh Nibley

2021-02-10 00:11:51 UTC  

I hoped there were

2021-02-10 00:14:04 UTC  

@freeman yet noah cursed Canaan

2021-02-10 00:14:58 UTC  

Yeah fuck ur american "prophets" lmao

2021-02-10 00:15:11 UTC  

hugh nibley was never a prophet

2021-02-10 00:15:15 UTC  

he's literally just a scholar

2021-02-10 00:15:20 UTC  


2021-02-10 00:15:24 UTC  

quite a famous one at that

2021-02-10 00:15:29 UTC  

Germanics are nephilim

2021-02-10 00:15:32 UTC  

never denied this

2021-02-10 00:15:41 UTC  

oh, in your dreams they are

2021-02-10 00:16:28 UTC  

Germanics are Israelites aka the chosen people of god

2021-02-10 00:16:44 UTC  

this is resoundingly obvious

2021-02-10 00:17:01 UTC  

being a mix of holy beings and man seems epic and true

2021-02-10 00:17:15 UTC  

we are children of god

2021-02-10 00:17:19 UTC  

that's as epic as you can get

2021-02-10 00:17:26 UTC  


2021-02-10 00:17:49 UTC  

U are

2021-02-10 00:17:51 UTC  


2021-02-10 00:17:56 UTC  


2021-02-10 00:18:02 UTC  


2021-02-10 00:18:13 UTC  

Why do you think most ppl with gigantism are germanics

2021-02-10 00:18:23 UTC  

we literally created the kingdoms of clay as described in Nebuchadnezzar's vision

2021-02-10 00:18:24 UTC  

Or slavs/celts in second place

2021-02-10 00:18:33 UTC  

these very kingdoms that are to be absorbed into the kingdom of god

2021-02-10 00:18:44 UTC  

That was the arab caliphate<:tuxpepe:795758710890299464>

2021-02-10 00:18:51 UTC  


2021-02-10 00:18:54 UTC  


2021-02-10 00:18:59 UTC  

read the journal of discourses