Message from @Daemon Knight
Discord ID: 794016394852565032
Oh god please not this NRx stuff
I am not NRX, don't like Moldbug
yeah republics came before the enlightenment
kinda strange claim
hitler talked about establishing a republic after the war
wouldnt be democratic ofc
It is just my opinion if you had the option to eliminate voting by individual civic citizens and you would decide to keep it, you are some form of liberal/leftist
thats democracy
you can have an aristocratic republic
Yea but then votes are by a landed elite, it is not 1 citizen=1 vote
I would abolish civic citizenship too
any nationalist with half a brain would
people will just interbreed to get in
but then why wouldnt you let citizens vote
what are you saying
lol wut
reread that lmao
but practically in America, I don't think you could eliminate democracy entirely. I would probably advocate limiting 1 vote per 1 family unit (Husband, wife, 3+ kids)
not sure why thats such a surprise.
no, what you said made no fucking sense
He is saying that migrants would purposely breed with natives to get their kids free acceptance in society
i would just get rid of political democracy altogether
Foreigners will breed with your lower castes, whats so complicated about that?
But that is why you build a wall and make mexico pay for it
Who ever you are, if you are Pakistan too, just when you build the wall with india send the bill to mexico
mass democracy is low brain shit
Sure we all agree
u should really only have democracy for directing ur towns and workplaces
but the notion that republics were from all of their usages "liberal" throughout history is silly
directly electing the head of state is autism
Every system will have a group of men who are left out of reproduction, and will be willing to engage in revolution to overthrow the stagnation that prevents them from reproducing themselves.
keep in mind res publica just means "public affair" and the sovereignty is based on the commonwealth rather than monarch
@Daemon Knight That is just bioleninism
This is why monogamy was so important.
yes workers should have a degree of control over their own economic affairs