Message from @Gre
Discord ID: 795330590282743869
Wonder how much it will take for that account to be suspended
This account is temporarily restricted
I will have it back soon
Just if guy who has phone number respond
restricted already lol
??? Why not just use protonmail or smth you dont need to use phone #s
doesnt need a phone lol
I didn't know this
You need phone
But dw I will get it back
I just need this dude to wake up and tell me the code
@epstein worship I will go and debate one anime YouTuber on Eren if you wanna watch
Dunno first to watch this boring video he did on Eren
Good evening gentlemen
I created new Twitter account herr Juni
I didn't know you had a twitter account
I just followed you
Yeah I noticed
Herr Woland, have you already requested to follow me?
I was sadly prevented by unjust postblock given to me by unreasonable Twitter administration
That’s a scandal and i will take this to the human rights panel of the United Nations asap
As such I can only hope of following you herr Juni in 11 hours from now
Hang in there, kamerad, the sonnenrad of my account will shine its black rays upon you very soon
We all hope for the day when unjust American occupation of social media will perish and free folk of Europa regain their liberties that we hold so dear
And now let us shoot a few rounds into the sky to underline that we‘re serious about this.
Went on a walk today, loved the breeze.
Yesterday I’ve visited the dark souls version of the hobbit town