Message from @Jacques de Chan
Discord ID: 796150190322745374
wtf is the population even in question here
rome itself?
i’m a person of color
what am i looking at
saw this from bleppyman
samples from bodies during their respected time periods I believe is how they got the data I gotta find the study again
Rome literally had a Arab Emperor niggas are retarded and coping lmao
jacques is literally some retvrn to indo-evropa homosexual
dont bother lol
it's nonsensical lol
hes also homosexual unironically
populations didn't change that drastically and "mediterranean" is a different group from sardinian/neolithic (EEF) for some reason?
so him talking about racial supremacy is ironic when he will not reproduce
I think that viv guy talked abt how it's wrong or smth
Talk abt us, boost my ego
it is
that nigga follows literally everyone but me
literally everyone acknowledged you are but you’re just refusing to come out so u dont get flamed to shit lmao
dont know what "mediterranean" is supposed to mean here
i’ll let you breath for now jacques
Spanish, italian, greek
literally what are these charts
note the sardinian proximity to EEF
viv is med and copes a lot about that area
note how italians and other meds are ABOUT HALF WAY BETWEEN ANE AND EEF
tldr this