Message from @Semaj
Discord ID: 796155112036892682
What does that have to do with anything
latins were aryan settlers that absorbed EEF groups into their culture
R u retarded
>be patrilineal italian
>also be blue eyed and light brown hair
anti-meds btfo
100% poo and 55%poo45%pee getting mad at 100%pee and 55%pee45%poo
you're not med
Stop being a mutt and identify with ur fathers side
Meds have this autistic mixing fetish while nords exterminate
@Jacques de Chan north italy?
my paternal grandfather was literally from naples
Not to mention they were also in iceland
autistic bro science
Almost you have LTGB fetish
euros are all slightly different mixtures of EEF/WHG/ANE stop this retarded shit lmfao
Nordic countries are litterly the most LTGB friendly countries
The Rome larper wants to explain how nords are gay
Bro genetics dont even matter
Ur gay bro
das why I posted da map
>Has Aryan ancestors who came, fought, and subjugated the local people >Identifies as med
wish we had done that but portuguese population was extremely small
Read Guiseppe Sergi
Funny how the only people in the chat arguing south europeans and north africans are close are a latino south american and an african
Really makes you think
I don't have to since it's clear that you guys are litterly a laughing stock. Niggers are litterly banging your women poor sven
who is the african
Amazigh is well amazigh