Message from @Milorad
Discord ID: 796515935614664704
🥂 @Erlik ᚯ
Well actually one of founders
You know The Realm of Living Buddha @Deleted User
No, I'm a hindu and dont read buddhist literature
No it's fb page
I just know the nuclear dharma one
One of founders of ND circle
It's all crap, petty aesthetics and emty words
Are you brown
Anyone who knows anything about eastern metaphysics knows the idea is a joke @Erlik ᚯ
but the aesthetic is good
It's really not
Buddha would have already detonated all the nuclear artefacts
Why cant trump just embrace it and be pres again
Buddha is dumb fag
I would have beaten the shit out of that pajeet
He was white
Buddha denied the vedas
Nordic even
No he was brown and manlet
@epstein worship trannies are white, are they based?
Lol what
Is it over?
Buddhism isn't religion of a white man
Buddhism isn't a religion
Agios O Shiva
@epstein worship lol then why should we care
It's too passive and submissive
unironically this
its more of a guide on life
than a religion
@ihatemyself Kill all buddhists
Yeah it's a doctrine