Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 796587554961883137
And then a storming of the Kansas state capital building
so its beyond washington?
Yea but not as crazy as it is in Washington D.C
They also banned Pogchamp on twitch lmao
Whenever radlibs say shit like “haha the masterrace has arrived”, post the fucking pussyholes in the pic and say “the saviours of democracy are here”
And in my home state it’s basically the Neocon Cucks and Trumptards are smacking the goofy out of the ANTFIA BLM hordes
Keith Woods made a video with Richard Spencer about this or something
I wonder what 2018 points are they gonna say now lmao
really excited for his hot toakes
"this will lead to more oppression!"
"they arent based post modern neo nrx monarchobols!"
Saviours of the White Race!!!!!!
Evropa Trad Invictvs Evropa Rex NRx Alt Right Evropa!!!!!!!!!!
love hows spencer entire modern take is literally "if we start going uphill as a ideology they will oppress us more than if we didnt"
like its somehow controversial
There is a reason Paul Gottfried and the European New Right people took a step back when Spencer began to take control and this shit is why
Like nigga just retire
He should go back to Louisiana <:troll:795676641450917888>
To meet up with THE David Duke?!?!?!??!?!?
Based shirt
Its pretty sad that the only martyr they had was a women
That one picture of the glowniggers that shot her is fucking hilarious
I’ll try and find it
The one where they peeked through the hole
They looked so fucking stupid
I dont think she got shot there