Message from @ihatemyself
Discord ID: 797264605738827808
the same exact face image on two separate frames a minute apart from eachother
He doesn't trust the plan
Oy vey goy the video is a bit weird cause of the fugen shutterstock effect which is when da poopy do da peepee
Shut yo Jewish ass up
anyone has the entire video
why was it bad enough to get him banned
It's up on gab probably
It's a mirror profile
link it please
trump died in that hospital from covid
post-choppa trump is a replacement
u have to find the original one to see the first deepfake slip up
occam's razor Trump filmed a concession video
cuz in the new one they change the camera angle right when it happens
Let this image be seared into your mind
dont say kike
Who even cares if its a deepfake
Trump was actually in a bunker somewhere being told to shoot himself while the video engineers were making his concession video- you guys
Trump is cucked no matter what
"twitter media studio"
When did Trump ever post something with this?
This was obviously posted by a twitter employee
yeah because he was locked out of his account
and they gave twitter the video to post
Holy kike nigger
@epstein worship you
Here's why i'm right and you're wrong
change my name back
Real. Certified, bonafied real.
twitter soy fags
imagine the bent over 5 foot tall tech slave banning le meane oragne man
whats wrojng with this one