Message from @oistoy
Discord ID: 797652391091765309
This makes me feel bad for my ethnicity now
why do youi think black people suffere discrimination in italy
Fettuccini alfredo, my homie
anyone can appreciate italian culture
If I appreciated chinese culture, would han chinese ppl view me as one of their own? obviously no
Meds are retarded sometimes
Nationalism isn't based on "cultural preservation"
the ppl don't exist to preserve the culture
other way around
They might don't be Italian ethnically, but they they're culturally civil Italiana
The thing is
I love you my lil italian person, chicken carbonara fo reals
Basing Nationalism only on Ethics is stupid
how many black italian civnats are there btw
I'm not black
never said u were
Ah lol
Thanks lol
Because Nationalism is more than "Muh Race"
Nationalism includes race
Yeah, this is where I exit
99% of nationalists are ethnats cant tell me otherwise
But it can't just be race
Thus, native Americans and polish americans
Ik, that's kinda sad ngl
Because I'm a CivNat :>
you're retarded if you think ethnicity = white
wowzaa !!!
Never thought about that
you did