Message from @A stranger
Discord ID: 797987866717847604
you gonna post physique or not ?
u mad?
then everything you says is discredited
not at all
@A stranger here's how to get a more kino physique groyper u can make it
will this kill me ?
no actually bronze age man has had a fermented meat diet for a while now
and he's pretty chad
pretty ride the tiger evola style
you mean bronze age pervert ?
that seems cringe
yeah fermented meat mindset
what does BAP think about Varg
who cares
I do
red meats are high in estrogen
fermented meats eliminate the mass-produced phytoestrogens
high meat produces most vitamins u need anyway
less acidic
All animal products contain traces of estrogen because even male animals produce the hormone. Cow milk may also contain phytoestrogens
however when u ferment the meat the estrogen goes away
it's disgusting for a few days
@Martín Why are you Maoist
Become Based Dengist
Mao trolled GMD comprador traitors
but Deng is still pretty based
Dengism and Maoism are not mutually exclusive lol
In-fact Dengism is just Maosim
No it is not
It is
Deng called himself a successor to Maoist thought
I don't care
3rd world politics