Message from @MeteNojo
Discord ID: 801496820756774938
U are
that isnt what it means
It is
all they do is cry about nothing happening but dont do anything themselves
People really expect politics to be like a movie or TV series where changes take only hours or at best a few years irl to happen.
We are living in times of political change yes, but we are far from the actual point of divergence.
Cheers bros
i’m hanging wit the pirus hanging wit the fives
i got mob ties i got fucking mob ties
i got niggas in chain gang by my side
Ooga Boga
which one the rifle one?
your mom
she's not brown just really tan
didn’t some dudes QTard aunt hang herself after biden became president elect
everything is going exactly as Planned
plan trusting
I trust the plan
I can't find anything on this
God's plan?
@thecarlinrhode nationality?
9 minute old account
I'm not new to this server. I was on here yesterday.
@thecarlinrhode Nationality?
I'm American.